Ladies and gentlemen, start your ballots:
Welcome To
Hello! My name is Richard Evans and this is the homepage for my campaign to become your new Alderman in ward 4.
Evans ... Evans ... oh, right ... that Richard Evans. That would be the same Richard Evans who owns the domain "". Which takes you, well, here.
A name and e-mail address at the Calgary Herald will do nicely, thanks. Just drop it in the comments section.
P.S. Yeah, that screenshot is safely tucked away as well. Like you had to ask?
P.P.S. I notice that Richard's campaign site allows ... heh heh ... public comments. Suddenly, the evil child in me is screaming to get out. Down, boy, patience. Soon ... soon ...
BY THE WAY, I'm still waiting for that name and e-mail address of the appropriate local politics beat reporter at the Calgary Herald.
No, I'm not kidding. Do I look like I'm kidding?
UH OH ... I guess Richard's onto us:

So much for the element of surprise.
He spells enable wrong. But then again...perhaps the people of Calgary Ward 4 don`t care about literacy levels, promotion of pedophila and white supremacy by look-alike re-direct domains... nor do they care that their candidates romp on the internet by teasing a woman about being sexually assaulted.
I duno...I`ve only been to Calgary once. The people seemed to be nice and have higher standards than Richard Evans.
Oh yeah -- isn`t it nice to finally put an ``i`m-not-an-axe-murderer... REALLY!-psycho-grin`` face to the blog entity.
As Dawg was saying about the picture of Patrick... suddenly things make a lot of sense.
Look at the eyes.
This boy`s just inches or hours away from completely going SNAP CRACKLE POP!
Wow... he`s actually trying to make a statement that appears to comment on homeless people as being like `stray dogs`
People lock and load your screen captures. These little gems are priceless.
it's also nice to see that as an alderman he will do away with all government services in the name of fighting "socialism"
Should we ask him about his internet cybersquatting habits in the comments at his election blog?
Whew! Thank heavens my family back in Calgary live in the ward next to his! I was ready to start sending all sorts of warning emails.
"Richard Evans, SEnvt, CRSP"
LOL, come on guys this is going to be comedy gold! Gold I tells ya!
It'll only be funny if the voters of Ward 4 in Calgary are made aware of just what a pest Richard Evans has been.
Then I'll laugh and laugh and laugh...
Seriously, though...people like Richard get elected to municipal councils all the time, thanks largely to low voter's disturbing.
Well, if they elect Richard, they deserve what they get.
God, the haircut...
He looks exactly the way I'd imagined he would. Scary.
The whiskey bloom is a nice touch...
Is that a brushcut? That'll get him a citation from the Fashion Police.
just what the hell is a SEnvt anyways - even google doesn't seem to know. Personally I find it amusing that he is so proud of being a Canadian Registered Safety Professional -- doesn't he know that government workplace safety regulations and consumer safety legislation are just attempts by teh Soshulists to interfere with capitalism? Maybe he should move to Russia where that kind of thing is acceptable!
"-- doesn't he know that government workplace safety regulations and consumer safety legislation are just attempts by teh Soshulists to interfere with capitalism?"
FUNNY! I never thought of that, but yeah ... Mr. Evans should feel ashamed of his work.
One of the first things I noticed on his Ward4 website was that broadside at all the socialists on Calgary council. Now, I lived in Alberta for a while, and I never noticed Calgary City Hall was such a hotbed of socialism. I guess I just wasn't paying close enough attention.
Even on his campaign site he's still playing word games and making absurd comparisons. At least he's consistent...
"P.P.S. I notice that Richard's campaign site allows ... heh heh ... public comments. Suddenly, the evil child in me is screaming to get out. Down, boy, patience. Soon ... soon ..."
Yeah, uhh, I know it was probably wrong and all, but my evil inner child kinda already slipped the leash earlier in the day. But I wasn't really that evil or even rude.
just what the hell is a SEnvt anyways
It's the designation I received when I graduated the Safety and Environmental Tech program at SAIT.
Personally I find it amusing that he is so proud of being a Canadian Registered Safety Professional -- doesn't he know that government workplace safety regulations and consumer safety legislation are just attempts by teh Soshulists to interfere with capitalism? Maybe he should move to Russia where that kind of thing is acceptable!
I don't work for the government or labour unions but instead act as an employers advocate. My job is to train employers to operate within the system set up by "teh Soshulists", perform periodic monitoring to ensure that they're keeping their butts covered and help them out of any sticky situations that they may get into.
There's a big difference between creating regulation and helping those affected by said regulation understand it...
BY THE WAY, I'm still waiting for that name and e-mail address of the appropriate local politics beat reporter at the Calgary Herald.
They've got a news tips e-mail address:
I'm sure that if you sent your story there, they'd get it to the right person.
The Calgary Sun makes it even easier as they've got the actual reporters and columnist e-mail addy's listed:
I can see the headline now;
"Net-Nut Stalks Local Candidate"
You just love the attention, don't ya, Rickie?
doesn't he know that government workplace safety regulations and consumer safety legislation are just attempts by teh Soshulists to interfere with capitalism?
Richard's severely afflicted with solipsism, so he's unable to distinguish between communism, ideological socialism, democratic socialism, communitarianism and quite simply "community." It's all evil, as far as he's concerned, I suspect he's one of these people who blames his failures on everyone else.
It also doesn't help that he appears to be functionally illiterate, which in certain oil-soaked regions of the world, lucky him, is not a barrier to economic success.
Ti-guy, one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard was when a right-wingnut much like this guy lumped Canada in with communist countries like North Korea because we both have universal health care!
I remember being taught stuff exactly like that, in my fundie church in Calgary. Man, I still can't believe I escaped.
Little Rickie writes:
I can see the headline now;
Net-Nut Stalks Local Candidate
Or, alternatively:
Candidate for local office has disturbing Internet history involving identify theft, racism and pedophilia
Which headline do you figure is more likely, Rickie? I'm thinking there's only one way to find out.
By the way, you might want to warn the neighbours. Better they hear it from you than your local newspaper, don't you think?
P.S. No private information will be harmed in the making of this spectacle. We have principles.
There's a big difference between creating regulation and helping those affected by said regulation understand it...
And what marks the border between the two is the middle-man who makes a buck off something produced by the collective action he shits all over. How noble.
By the way, pretty skimpy biography there, l'il Rickie. As interesting as epiphanies on Nose Hill are, what were you up to between 1991 and 1996, Candidate Evans?
Inquiring minds want to know!
...God, I'd kill to live in Calgary at this moment...
As interesting as epiphanies on Nose Hill are, what were you up to between 1991 and 1996, Candidate Evans?
Inquiring minds want to know!
How did the whole "working in construction" part elude you? I quote: In 1990 he loaded up his 1971 Toyota Corolla and made the move out west where he began working in construction. One morning of that year
Yeah..."working in construction." We all know what that's code for...
...Male prostitution!
Yeah..."working in construction." We all know what that's code for...
...Male prostitution!
Now why would you go and assert that all construction workers are male prostitutes? You do realize that you wouldn't have a home to live in, an office to work in or roads to drive on without construction workers don't you?
Richard, why would you send web traffic to Stormfront and NAMBLA? Are they contributing financially or otherwise to your campaign?
And also, why have you no sense of humour? Was there an accident?
Richard, why would you send web traffic to Stormfront and NAMBLA? Are they contributing financially or otherwise to your campaign?
Financial contributions? Not all. I don't associate with either of those groups. Never have. points to NAMBLA because CC seems to be happy with enabling pedophiles. CC's new pet ti-guy seems to be happy with enabling pedophiles as well. As far as "stormfront" goes, I thought it would appropriate. MWW's anti-white racist screed seemed comparable with the garbage posted on stormfront. Racism is racism no matter the color of the skin of the person practicing it...
You can have the Herald quote me on that if you'd like...
Good to get you on record on that, Richard, though it would be more accurate to say that you direct traffic from to NAMBLA, and you pointed that site to Stormfront because you deemed it appropriate. It's not clear to me why you're obscuring your active responsibility for both, though a couple of possibilities do spring to mind.
In any case, I know that, no matter what my political point of view is, I don't misleadingly direct traffic to pedophiles and racist groups, just to score some kind of political point. But then, I'm not the shrewd political animal you are.
I also have some manner of personal integrity, and a sense of shame. We differ in many, many ways.
I'm sure you'll do exactly as well as you deserve on your campaign.
I don't work for the government or labour unions but instead act as an employers advocate. My job is to train employers to operate within the system set up by "teh Soshulists", perform periodic monitoring to ensure that they're keeping their butts covered and help them out of any sticky situations that they may get into.
So let me get this straight... you don't like safety regulations because they're set up by... socialists? And you actively work with companies to help them get around such regulations?
Weird - I thought Richard was going to sue people for talking about his re-directs to pedophile and white supremacist websites - right after he denied having done any of it....
I've never made a post knocking "white people" as Richard claims. I am married to a caucasian and all of my children are half caucasian, as well as my entire adopted family.
But I guess Richard thinks if he just keeps repeating the same lie over and over again that people will believe it.
The repetition of a lie over and over again is no substitution for proof of one's assertions.
How bout you find a post where I am making a "racist screed" against white people and post the link or screen capture? Otherwise you should shut your pie-hole.
So Richard has become a highly qualified safety professional not to stop people from getting hurt on the job, but to save employers money by ensuring they adhere to the letter (if not necessarily the spirit) of the workplace safety laws. Wow, Dick, I bet the other guys on the construction site must have loved you.
It's not clear to me why you're obscuring your active responsibility for both, though a couple of possibilities do spring to mind.
I've never claimed to not own those domains. Not once.
And you actively work with companies to help them get around such regulations?
Care to show me the quote where I said that? If memory serves, I specifically said that I train employers to operate within the system. Sorry pal but you're going to have to do way better than that...
How bout you find a post where I am making a "racist screed" against white people and post the link or screen capture? Otherwise you should shut your pie-hole.
Um, ok... Some choice quotes:
WHY WHY WHY - do we spend so MUCH time hurting our own by WHITE rules - by WHITE Standards.. By White laws Like blood quantum and Bill C-31.
We have become what we hate most about White people...
You haven't forgotten about the archives over at No Treason have you Meaghan? You've left little dollops of racism all over the web.
That reminds me, hasn't been pointing to stormfront for some time now... Maybe the redirect needs to be reinstated.
I've never claimed to not own those domains. Not once.
And I didn't claim you did, not once. It's just interesting that you seem to avoid any verbalization of the fact that you actively, intentionally, and deceptively provide or provided traffic to NAMBLA and Stormfront. I suppose you do that for the same reason you attack straw men instead of responding to what I actually said.
Maybe the redirect needs to be reinstated.
What a stern threat. You really don't understand that these redirects reflect on the owner of the URL, do you? I guess personal responsibility and accountability aren't big issues for you.
these redirects reflect on the owner of the URL,
Were that really the case, MWW and CC wouldn't be all up in arms over it now would they? Nope.
There's an interesting level of hypocrisy at work here that some of you might not recognize, so let me point it out.
Richard is clearly suggesting that there is nothing technically or legally amiss with purchasing and re-directing those domain names, and he's correct. He's perfectly within his rights to do that, and none of us would dare dispute that. But that's not the basis of our objection, is it?
What we're suggesting is that what he's done is sleazy, tasteless and infantile, even if it is legal, but Richard seems to not care about that part of it.
That's fascinating since long-time readers of mine might recall where I've used some intemperate language directed at various individuals and, Lord Almighty, what a hue and cry from the wankersphere that generated. Howls of anger, accusations of harassment and misogyny, threats of physical assault -- why, it just went on for weeks.
And yet, if one uses Richard's logic, what I did was in no way illegal or criminal in any way, so what's the big deal? Why am I being held up to such a higher standard?
Apparently, we in the Left-o-sphere must act, at all times, with courtesy, grace and dignity, lest we be raked over the coals for our atrocious and appalling behaviour, while the standard for people like Richard is simply that they don't technically break any laws.
I believe the double standard here is self-evident, don't you?
Would someone please purchase and point it at the Marxist-Lenninist Party site?
CC's new pet ti-guy seems to be happy with enabling pedophiles as well.
It's a good thing I'm anonymous, Candidate Evans. That repeated defamation is actionnable. I know you think child-rape is hilarious, but I don't think so.
...twisted fuck.
Were that really the case, MWW and CC wouldn't be all up in arms over it now would they? Nope.
I have not direct interest in the issue either way, and yet I am thoroughly disgusted with what you're doing and have stated so many times. Should I blame CC and MWW for my disgust, too, do you think?
I wonder what your constituents think of the issue. How many have you asked?
It's a good thing I'm anonymous, Candidate Evans.
I agree. If folks found out who you are, they'd probably send the folks in the nice white coats to pick you up.
That repeated defamation is actionnable.
Get a lawyer and file a complaint.
I know you think child-rape is hilarious, but I don't think so.
...twisted fuck.
Only one of us thinks it's acceptable for a 50 year old man to have sex with a 14 year old boy and it isn't me thai-guy. Be sure to bring up your thoughts re sexual freedom while discussing your case with your new lawyer.
I have not direct interest in the issue either way, and yet I am thoroughly disgusted with what you're doing and have stated so many times.
And I should care about your disgust because why?
Should I blame CC and MWW for my disgust, too, do you think?
If that would make you feel better, you have my blessing. For what's it worth anyway...
I wonder what your constituents think of the issue. How many have you asked?
You know, I knocked on doors for a good 3 hours yesterday and it never came up even once.
And I should care about your disgust because why?
I really don't have time to parse and re-parse our conversations, Richard. I was not indicating that you should care about my disgust. I was trying to explain why CC and MWW would be disgusted with your actions, despite the fact that your actions make you look far worse than CC or MWW. Do try to keep up.
I knocked on doors for a good 3 hours yesterday and it never came up even once.
Yeah, I'll bet it didn't. I'd be ashamed to bring it up too.
I'm sorry, were we talking about racism just a minute ago? Why don't you explain what you are trying to say, either about Ti-Guy or about Thai people, with that epithet?
I seem to remember that you were shocked, shocked, to see anyone impugning the good name of construction workers just a little while ago. Funny that you don't afford the Thai people the same respect.
Only one of us thinks it's acceptable for a 50 year old man to have sex with a 14 year old boy and it isn't me thai-guy. Be sure to bring up your thoughts re sexual freedom while discussing your case with your new lawyer.
What the fuck are you about, you NAMBLA-obssessed retard? Look, Richard Evans, I don't know why you can't stop thinking about man-boy love 24-hours a day, nor do I want to know why, but honestly, you are one twisted fuck.
...Everyone knows that, Richard.
I was not indicating that you should care about my disgust. I was trying to explain why CC and MWW would be disgusted with your actions, despite the fact that your actions make you look far worse than CC or MWW. Do try to keep up.
And I should care about their disgust because why?
I'm sorry, were we talking about racism just a minute ago? Why don't you explain what you are trying to say, either about Ti-Guy or about Thai people, with that epithet?
That was extremely lame. Even for you.
What the fuck are you about, you NAMBLA-obssessed retard? Look, Richard Evans, I don't know why you can't stop thinking about man-boy love 24-hours a day, nor do I want to know why, but honestly, you are one twisted fuck.
And instead of explaining why he thinks 14 year old boys and 50 year old men should be legally entitled to have sex with each other, our friend thai-guy begins to project what may be, his repressed desires onto others.
Dumbass, we've been there before. Give it up.
...what the hell was Olaf thinking?
And I should care about their disgust because why?
You care enough to create similar domain names and re-direct them, so whether you should or shouldn't care about their opinions, you obviously do.
That was extremely lame. Even for you.
Spoken like a man who has finally come to realise it's time to stop defending the indefensible. Good for you!
And instead of explaining blah blah blah his repressed desires onto others.
My mistake. Never mind.
Frankly, from now on, the only sensible response to Richard Evans is this:
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker.
You're a cock-sucking, ass-licking uncle fucker.
You're an uncle fucker, yes it's true.
NOBODY fucks uncles quite like you.
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker.
You're the one who fucked your uncle, uncle fucker.
You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, just fuck your uncle all day long.
Really, it says it all.
And yet thai-guy still refuses to explain why he's so passionate about maintaining the legality of having a 50 year old man have sex with a 14 year old boy.
Oh look! Meaghan seems to have shut up altogether. Wonder if that had anything to do with posting her racism for all to see...
Take a good, long, hard look at who you're supporting m@...
I don't know what you mean -- who am I "supporting"?
And who am I supposed to "support" -- the guy who redirects web traffic to Stormfront and NAMBLA?
I don't know what you mean -- who am I "supporting"?
And who am I supposed to "support" -- the guy who redirects web traffic to Stormfront and NAMBLA?
I'm sorry, I thought you'd be smart enough to figure things out on your own. My mistake.
Oh well, live and learn I guess...
And yet thai-guy still refuses to explain why he's so passionate about maintaining the legality of having a 50 year old man have sex with a 14 year old boy.
Here's the explanation, Rich-tard:
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker.
You're a cock-sucking, ass-licking uncle fucker.
You're an uncle fucker, yes it's true.
NOBODY fucks uncles quite like you.
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker.
You're the one who fucked your uncle, uncle fucker.
You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, just fuck your uncle all day long.
If you didn't understand that, I'll gladly repeat it.
I don't support anyone in particular, Richard. The question was, since you brought up the very notion of "supporting" someone, what you would expect someone to "support". Maybe you'd like to explain what you were fishing for in the first place. If it was something to do with Ti-Guy being a pedophile, well, I only know of one person whose URLs link to NAMBLA, and it isn't him.
Honestly, I don't care. It's always amusing seeing you twist away at the end of the line, trying to show why your superior morals and intellect justify directing traffic to pedophiles and neo-Nazis. Calgary Ward 4 is fortunate have a candidate like you, showing your real character with such transparency.
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