Saturday, January 27, 2007

Yeah, that just about covers it, Spanky.

Given that The Politic's Spanky has offended and ridiculed blacks, aboriginals and victims of female genital mutilation, I guess we just need to wait for him to denigrate faggots to have a clean sweep and ... ah, there we go.

AFTERSNARK: You can, I hope, appreciate the delicious irony of Canada's wingnuts defending the Catholic Church since they are, after all, only interested in the welfare of the children.

Please don't make me have to explain that.


Anonymous said...

It's the old saying. All the interesting people will be in Hell. If Heaven is where people like that go, Heaven can have them.

Although, I was momentarily breathless at the sweeping dismissal of sexual attraction being something someone chooses to do...on a moral basis. At the age of five. Never back up from them. Ever. Not one step.

Anonymous said...

You can, I hope, appreciate the delicious irony of Canada's wingnuts defending the Catholic Church...

Any Catholic who thinks these people are allies is a fool. They'll be the first to jump on the "Whore of Rome...Papist!" band-wagon at the first opportunity. Unfortunately, with Papa Ratzi in charge, that won't be for a while.

Anonymous said...

I've read several of this guy's posts and the commentary, which is absolutely nauseating.

How do these people get through the course of a regular day?

I mean, with there being so much to get one's self-righteous indignation all lathered up about and all...