Thursday, January 04, 2007

No, sorry, snark doesn't work for you.

Awwwww ... he's so adorable when he's trying to be witty and failing miserably:

Some animals are more equal than others...

Before the inevitable deluge of comments and email labelling me an elitist and a racist... I should point out to my lefty friend CC and his pack of yappy little hangers-on, this is a quote from George Orwell's "Animal Farm"...

Really? No shit. Learn something every day, I guess.


Anonymous said...

It is sort of cute. Your like a bizzaro-world mentor of sorts.

Emulation - highest form of flattery.

Will you be offering any certificates for yappy hanger-ons?

Anonymous said...

Animal Farm. Is that like one of those watchamacallits...books?
