Yes, yes, CC has a new right-wing chew toy. Now, let's see what William is up to today:
Mr. Persaud hit the nail on the head. Since Harper was elected a year ago, he has delivered on all political fronts from:
- improving our national security
Um ... what about that Patient Wait Times Guarantee?
- cutting the "right of landing" fee for new Canadians
Patient Wait Times Guarantee?
- lowering consumption taxes
- ending the corporate tax-loophole
Patient wait times?
- investing in private sector childcare
- working with the NDP to pass Canada's first Clean Air Act
- supporting our Israeli allies and Lebanese-Canadians
- renewing our efforts in Afghanistan and providing our troops with appropriate resources
Hello? William? Wait times?
- passing the Accountability Act
- eliminating wasteful government spending
- creating tougher sentencing for violent and dangerous criminals
- reaching out to communities of all Canadians
- investing in a national Cancer strategy
- investing in a national study on the health of Canadians
- investing in a national study on wait times in our healthcare system
Ah, there we go! So, we've gone from working with the provinces to establishing such a guarantee to ... studying it.
Drop by next week when William describes how Stephen Harper is going to create 125,000 new child care spaces by thinking about it. Really hard.
P.S. Let's check in and see how William's literacy self-improvement program is working. Apparently, not too well. Third time a charm, William?
Nothing can stop the Right from lying.
Tell me where I've lied.
Also, tell me why we can't study something before we deal with it. You Liberals like to go in there, arms flailing, yelling this and that, but without studying something first you are bound to run into problems. Just look at the Gun Registry Programme or Kyoto. They both sounded good, but when the Liberals committed to both programmes we have hundreds of millions of dollars thrown away and has it reduced crime or reduced harmful emissions in our environment? Of course not.
Crime is up. Emissions are up.
Now I think this would've been the case regardless of how the Liberals, but here's the difference between the Liberals and the Conservatives.
The Liberals see a problem and they throw money at it. The Conservatives see a problem and they study/discuss it first.
Mr. Demers writes:
"You Liberals like to go in there ..."
For your information, Mr. Demers, I am not a Liberal, which only proves how worthless your opinions really are. Now go away and learn something, and feel free to come back when you've grown up and have something worth listening to.
I'm serious. Go away.
Cynic. Get a life.
You may not belong to the party, but you are a Liberal.
Also, closing the tax loop for mutual funds was a broken promise.
They both sounded good, but when the Liberals committed to both programmes we have hundreds of millions of dollars thrown away and has it reduced crime or reduced harmful emissions in our environment? Of course not.
ACTUALLY the liberals didn't do anything on Kyoto. You really need to read your memos. You also need to look up on what Kyoto actually is, try visiting for details.
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