Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What would you like to die from first?

You have your impending avian flu epidemic or, if you live in Idaho, you might have the choice of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD):

From the moment Joan Kingsford first saw her husband stagger in his welding shop, she wanted two things: His recovery and to know what made him sick.

She got neither. Alvin Kingsford, 72, died recently of suspected sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the fatal brain-wasting illness. The disease can be conclusively diagnosed only with an autopsy, which did not take place.

State and federal health officials are trying to get to the bottom of nine reported cases of suspected sporadic CJD in Idaho this year. Sporadic, or naturally occurring, CJD differs from the permutation dubbed variant CJD, which is caused by eating mad-cow-tainted beef and has killed at least 180 people in the United Kingdom and continental Europe since the 1990s.

Apparently, that tedious embargo on Canadian beef didn't quite protect the Americans the way they were hoping, did it?

But that's OK: if you support Canadian softwood lumber, you're with the terrorists. Or something.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I remember reading an article a while back that postulated that Mad Cow was caused by CJD and not the other way around...meaning that cows in Britain were once fed human remains ground into meal...

So all of the import banning may have been for nought on the human safety perspective, but effective on protecting cattle.