Friday, March 13, 2009

It's called "reading," Michael.

You should try it some time:

Ignatieff said Liberal senators acted "with dispatch" after learning that some EI claimants would lose five weeks of benefits if the bill didn't get passed immediately.

Liberal senators had previously said they wanted to examine the budget document and that it would be passed by March 27. They believed none of the budget measures would take effect until April 1...

When questioned by reporters whether Liberal senators had known about the backdating since Tuesday, Ignatieff responded that senators reacted "extremely quickly" when they found out.

In other words, Mike, you just got hustled. Lots more fun and games and Liberal-kicking here. Enjoy.


Renee said...

I laugh because I dare not cry...

Red Tory said...


liberal supporter said...

Come on RT, you can do better than that. "neo" made an entire post out of it! Now he's moaning about "cc's repeated crimes against logic and reasonable discourse". I thought I'd leave him alone today to stew and stalk his blog for the entire day. But I went for a looksee and he must have missed me, there's quite an array of bait laid out over there now. I'm glad we don't have smell media on blogs yet.

He talks about "Reasonable discourse"? neo wins the thread, hands down. I defy anyone to come up with something more ridiculously hilarious!


sooey said...

Okayyyyy... Michael Ignatieff?