Saturday, March 08, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Apparently a really funny guy.

Nothing new to report, other than that undischarged Patrick Ross is nicely supporting something I suggested a while back, and that is that Patrick is pushing the idea he's hilariously funny by tagging his own Twitter posts with "laugh until you cry" emojis because he weirdly seems to believe he is some kind of hysterically amusing to the point where he needs to point that out to his 17 regular readers.

Seriously, it's a little creepy to post laughing emojis on your own tweets, as if people need some assistance to figure out that you're trying to be funny:

I've been on social media for many years, and I don't recall ever having to help out my adoring fans by reminding them that what I just posted was supposed to be amusing.

That's kind of ... sad.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Apropos of nothing, really ...

No real developments to report, other than that undischarged bankrupt and self-described "Alpha Male" Patrick Ross continues his quest to eat at every unhealthy greasy spoon in northern Alberta. Here's Patrick in the wind-swept barrens of Peace River, wolfing down 13,000 calories in a single meal before heading out for another day of swamping in a northern Alberta winter:

It's only moderately amusing to realize that, as someone coming up on his 44th birthday, Patrick has now spent fully half of his adult life found liable for malicious defamation, personally bankrupt and owing me a buttload of cash (an amount that is increasing by several hundred dollars every single month).

For someone who advertises himself as the smartest d00d on the Intertoobz, Patrick could use a moment or two of self-reflection. And maybe a lawyer.

I'm just trying to be helpful.