Thursday, February 20, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy (belated) interestversary.

Another month, another increase of several hundred dollars in what undischarged bankrupt and homeless financial fugitive Patrick Ross owes me pursuant to defaming me maliciously back in 2010, then refusing to even file a defence when I sued him:

There's not a whole lot to report -- Patrick is still on the run, the highlight of his life on social media being posting pictures of the latest greaseburger he's discovered somewhere between Grande Prairie and whatever desolate backwoods work site he's inhabiting as a "swamper" (a job that is definitely as disgusting as its name suggests).

I am still in the dark as to the status of Casa Ross or its disposition according to the will of the late and absolutely-not-lamented Kenneth Ross; as I've mentioned previously, the rumour is that the entire estate is being disputed but again, that is a rumour that is wholly unsubstantiated thus far. However, that rumour is at least consistent with the fact that that property has not gone on the market, which seems odd.

Anyway, I hear that Patrick is once again talking smack about me over at his Twitter account, and while I normally enjoy refuting his nonsense, I realized recently that there is precious little point in that since, according to his Twitter stats, Patrick gets almost no traffic so almost no one reads his attacks so what's the point in replying to something nobody ever reads?

If there any further developments, I'll let you know. In the meantime, if you happen to run across any evidence of where Patrick is hanging out these days, drop me a note.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Buy Canadian: Canadian "bourbons."

What technically is "bourbon?" I'll let Wikipedia do the work here, one of the defining characteristics being that bourbon uses a base of mostly corn for its manufacture. What this means is that sometimes it's difficult to recognize a Canadian product as being equivalent to bourbon, so some of these entries are here simply because they are a "corn whisky" or "corn mash whisky" distilled in Canada. So you'll need to experiment for yourself.

Leave suggestions for more entries in the comments, and follow me on Bluesky,

British Columbia

NOTE: Given how the Trump administration is tearing up current trade agreements, I think Canadian distilleries should simply start labeling their stuff as "bourbon," and tell the Americans to go stuff themselves.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: You can smell the fear.

Once again, one of my confidential informants tells me that undischarged bankrupt and human garburator Patrick Ross is bragging about how I am "losing" a defamation lawsuit to him. As my loyal and long-suffering readers will know, Patrick has made absolutely no effort to move this idiotic and meritless action along for two years now, choosing instead to spend his time bragging about it on social media (all of which is being collected for when I decide to have this stupidity dismissed as abandoned and Patrick sanctioned with costs).

In any event, Patrick knows full well where I can be served with subsequent filings, but we all know that this silliness is going nowhere because in order to proceed, Patrick knows he will have to provide a proper and accurate address for legal service, and there is no way he is going to do that, so as much as Patrick wants to blar-har-har about "suing" me, everyone knows he's pretty much screwed in terms of trying to move this along. Mostly, Patrick knows how badly it would go for him to actually end up in a courtroom where I will make sure everyone who's been looking for him will be waiting.

Yes, I will at some point file to have his action dismissed for a variety of reasons, but in the meantime, given that there is nothing Patrick can do in terms of proceeding with it, I am in no rush, being content to let Patrick keep yammering on about it and burying himself even deeper in debt to me with each passing month.

Someday, when Patrick simply runs out of road, there will be a reckoning. And it will be ugly.

P.S. It's worth pointing out the irony in that Patrick constantly denigrates people based on their number of social media followers, bragging about how he has some 2,300 followers on Twitter and then insults anyone who has fewer.

The irony is that it's taken since 2008 (16 years!) for Patrick to amass those 2,300 followers, while your humble scribe (that's me), after joining Bluesky just a few short months ago and starting from scratch, is already closing in on 2,000 followers.

I just thought I'd point that out.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: The derangement continues ...

Over at his Twitter account, undischarged bankrupt and man-child on the run Patrick Ross accuses me of obsessively examining all of his literary works for years because I used the acronym "AC" to refer to the recent anonymous commenter at this blog, since Patrick apparently dedicated a 2019 short story to "AC" and thinks I chose that acronym to be deliberately provocative:

Uh, I chose "AC" because it's short for "Anonymous Commenter."

It's embarrassing that I had to explain that.

P.S. After all these years, Patrick still does not understand what constitutes defamation. That's just sad.

P.P.S. Self-proclaimed literary giant Patrick Ross used the phrase "poured over" to describe studying something intently and with great concentration. Let that level of illiteracy sink in.

AND MORE: Apparently, this is the first part of the short story which I am accused of *poring* over and stealing the dedication to some mysterious "AC" just so I can provoke Patrick into, well, I have no idea. It is replete with such literary gems as, "She wasn't actually the only woman here. There were many other women here, ..."

That's pretty much where I stopped reading.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: The meltdown continues apace ...

One of my confidential informants tells me that, over at his Twitter "Outlaw Tory" account, undischarged bankrupt and homeless financial fugitive Patrick Ross is blar-har-har'ing it up over the last few posts at this blog, implying yet again that he is somehow besting me in this head-to-head competition as to who owns a better house and a nicer car and is not personally bankrupt, etc, etc. Patrick seems particularly incensed over the claims of anonymous commenter "AC" as to his problematic legal status in terms of not having a valid driver's license or valid car insurance and so on, so let's clarify a few things.

First, none of AC's claims have been accompanied by verification; however, having said that, I will say that AC's claims are at least consistent with the facts before me. Let me explain.

AC claims that the estate of the late, intellectually-damaged Ken Ross is currently being disputed. While I have no evidence of that, it does square with the puzzling fact that, after all this time, Casa Ross has not gone on the market as far as I know. One possibility is that the house was simply handed over to one of the children but, if that's true, it certainly wasn't to Patrick, who clearly spends all of his time on the road. So either the house has gone to one of the other ditchbilly siblings or -- as AC suggested -- everything is still tied up in some sort of squabbling between those drooling inbreds.

Following on that, if Patrick is not living there and is effectively residing in Alberta, then it does make sense that he should have transferred over his D/L and car registration to Alberta; otherwise, it seems only logical that it's not technically valid right now. Again, no proof, but well-reasoned speculation.

I did start to read Patrick's bloviating but got bored almost immediately and gave up; the only value all of that screeching has is to eventually put it all in the front of the court to demonstrate how Patrick -- when he argues that he just couldn't find the time to proceed with his idiotic, meritless lawsuit against me -- always seems to have the time to tweet hours worth of dumbass stupid. Which is one of the successful arguments I made when I filed to dismiss his 2014 bankruptcy appeal -- that he always had the time to bloviate on social media but never to move his appeal along. Even the judge made that finding in his ruling against Patrick, kicking Patrick's long-moldering appeal to the curb.

In any event, it seems that Patrick (now in his mid-40s) has learned nothing since I sued him 15 years ago. While I have been doing fine in terms of car and home and job and relationship, Patrick has no apparent home, definitely no romantic relationship, a crappy job that requires outdoor work in northern Alberta in the winter, and a vehicle that may not even be legally registered or insured.

So, sure, he's winning. Whatever.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: WTF is going on with that estate?

While I have no confirmation of the numerous claims made by recent anonymous commenter "AC" reproduced in the last couple of posts, there is one claim that caught my attention -- that the disposition of the estate of the late, deranged lunatic Ken Ross is currently being disputed. And although I have no evidence of this, I have for a while been curious as to why that property never went on the market; there are numerous online real estate search engines that will tell you if a property is listed and, whenever I checked, Casa Ross was always "OFF MARKET." This struck me as odd since I had assumed that part of the will would dictate that the house be sold and the proceeds divvied up among that passel of squalling ditchbillies. That never happened, but the suggestion that things are being disputed would certainly explain this inordinate delay. But to more pressing business.

If the house is not on the market, I have to assume one of the Ross Morlocks is living there in a caretaker role, so I once again invite one and all who are in that area to do a drive-by and report what they see. Does anyone appear to be living there? Is there a regular car in the driveway? Are there any indications of stuff being packed up, or storage trailers in the driveway? Are lights on in the evening? You get the idea.

If you've been following this saga, you already know the address (in Lloydminster, SK) of the property in question. If you don't and want to help, drop me a note at and I'll provide it -- I won't produce it publicly, even though Patrick lists it in all of his court filings so it's trivially easy to find. So at this point, I really, really want to know what's going on at Casa Ross, as I'm about to sic my lawyer on this situation.

Keep those cards, letters and surveillance reports coming in.

P.S. That Patrick seems to not live at Casa Ross is problematic for him, as all of his court filings give that as the address for proper and legal service, and as that is no longer his residence, that's one reason why Patrick seems loath to proceed with any legal action against me or anyone else -- I, at least, have made it clear that the instant he tries that, I would insist he provide both me and the Court with an accurate address for service, something Patrick is clearly not prepared to do.

So Patrick's current misrepresentation of his residence address is not only an issue for him having a valid driver's licence and vehicle insurance, it's also putting a real crimp in his ability to go after anyone legally. But I'm sure he has all this under control, what with him being the smartest and baddest d00d on the Intertoobz. According to him.

A WILD AND CRAZY IDEA: I pondered for a while about this last part but I'm going with it. If the Ross estate is actually being disputed, one wonders if that has anything to do with the siblings arguing about how to dispose of the assets while protecting their own share in the face of Patrick's undischarged bankruptcy and his massive debt to me.

Perhaps the will is worded in such a way as to conceal assets to make it more difficult for me to seize Patrick's share, but that wording is making it more difficult for the rest of those hillbillies to get their hands on what's coming to them. And perhaps -- just, perhaps -- one of those siblings is running out of patience trying to accommodate Patrick's nightmarish legal situation and having to wait for their share of the assets because of Patrick. So here's my offer.

If I can be of assistance, I am inviting any of Patrick's siblings to drop me a note at and provide an accurate account of what is going on. In return, I will work with them to protect their share of the estate while still going after Patrick for every penny he owes me. All of this is speculative, of course, but if Patrick's siblings are currently screwed by his legal status and his jeopardizing their getting their hands on what is coming to them, I'm willing to discuss the situation.

If anyone has contact info for the siblings, you are invited to pass this on. I'm willing to be helpful but only up to a point until I run out of patience, at which time I will go after everything, regardless of whose assets get seized. That's the offer, and the clock is ticking.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Interestinger and interestinger ...

Here's a followup comment from anonymous commenter I've labeled "AC". (IMPORTANT: When I said I "edited" the previous submission, it was only to correct a couple typos and add a missing apostrophe, that sort of thing; I in no way removed any meaningful content):

[Emphasis added by CC]

I've taken your advice and hired myself a lawyer and filed a police report with the RCMP in Calgary.

My police report details the fraudulent interaction with my employer and the 9 different Facebook accounts and 7 X accounts I suspect Patrick of impersonating and using to harass me.

My lawyer has been instructed to find out where Patrick is working and where he hangs his hat because his address in Lloydminster, SK, is no longer valid. No one resides at the residence because it's part of an estate that is currently being disputed. This makes his driver's license in need of an update and his vehicle's insurance invalid because he no longer resides in Saskatchewan. Due to living out of province for more than 6 months, he would have to update his insurance tied to an Alberta residence. Everything correlating to his person is still tied to his father's Lloydminster address. Patrick isn't a full time student in Alberta thus is required to switch both. He is technically driving around Alberta with an invalid license and insurance. This has been brought to the RCMPs attention by my counsel when we filed the report.

There's a few other instances of potential fraud on Patrick's part if he's re-signed any leases in the province that were under his father's name. It's very unlikely Patrick would have been able to attain a lease for residence under his name being an undischarged bankrupt for over 8 years. Just as, if Patrick is possibly using a credit card owned by his father, as he's deceased, would constitute fraud.

Due to some of the things Patrick has said online under his own X account and if I can prove he was using any of the Facebook or X accounts I suspect him of using, I am filing a libel suit against him. I will not put up with being called a pedophile or my wife told that she's supporting a sex offender and that my children should be questioned if I've ever touched them.

If I gain any information on his employer or living situation, I will be informing the parties he's currently suing in Grande Prairie, AB. It's my understanding he hasn't updated his Statement of Claims against several entities. Another party has given me transcripts of two hearings where Patrick committed perjury stating he is not an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee. That is categorically false. I've spoken to his former trustee in Saskatchewan, and they assure me he is still in such status as of Monday afternoon.

Please ensure this is posted to your blog in it's entirety. These are my statements and mine alone, and as long as my words aren't edited in any way, you are shielded from liability. If edited, you could be considered a co-author under Canada's defamation law.

It's very important that others know how deep Patrick has dug his hole, the trouble he is in, and they should help end his cycle of abuse. Patrick is unwell and he needs help.

I will have more to say about this later. I am intrigued that the disposition of the estate is currently being disputed; I thought it seemed to be taking an inordinately long time for the house to be sold or change hands.

Anyway, things are definitely getting more interesting.

P.S. I would take issue with one of AC's points above -- that Patrick "committed perjury stating he is not an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee." I wrote about that back here. Technically, Patrick never claimed he still had a trustee; rather, he simply misled the court by failing to disclose that little tidbit, so I would be very careful about accusing Patrick of perjury. It is sufficient to point out that he clearly failed to disclose relevant information to the judge, and I would leave it at that.

P.P.S. If Patrick's vehicle insurance is indeed no longer valid, it seems like this is something that should be brought to the attention of his employer since, if Patrick is driving to job sites in an uninsured vehicle and without a valid driver's license, that could in some way make his employer liable if Patrick has an accident which results in a lawsuit -- especially if it can be shown that the employer was aware of this. (Hint, hint.)

AC is still invited to email me at, as there is some information I have that might be useful and I don't want to publish it where Patrick can read it.

BY THE WAY, regarding this sentence in the above: "It's very unlikely Patrick would have been able to attain a lease for residence under his name being an undischarged bankrupt for over 8 years."

Patrick has, in fact, been bankrupt for over 12 years, having filed for bankruptcy in December of 2012. Further, his trustee withdrew from his file in February of 2014, which means Patrick has been an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee for 11 years, so it's actually worse than AC describes it.

AC should also know that, without a trustee, Patrick has very likely not been making his legally-required reports to the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, so he is way in arrears related to his legal obligations under the bankruptcy regime. And on top of all that, he owes me around $125,000 and I have a collections order against him in the province of Saskatchewan.

Just want to make sure that AC has all this information. I'm just trying to be helpful.

SHEER SPECULATION ON MY PART, but I am intrigued by the claim that the late Ken Ross' estate is being disputed. One would have thought its disposition would be straightforward, so I wonder if the holdup is in any way related to Patrick's siblings squabbling over how to protect all those assets from being seized by me if the will shows any substantial property going to Patrick. 

What if the will dictates that the house be sold and the proceeds be divided among the siblings? Given my collection order against Patrick, do I have any legal right to step in and put a hold on that sale until I am legally assured of receiving Patrick's share of the sale price? I think it's time to check with the lawyers again. It would certainly be interesting to know what the "dispute" is all about, and whether it's tied to how Patrick's bankruptcy has jeopardized everyone else's ability to collect.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Possible identity fraud?

Here's a short followup to that last post related to an anonymous commenter describing how someone (and it's unclear who) filed a bogus complaint against him with his employer. NOTE: There is of yet no proof that this was Patrick Ross, but here's what just occurred to me upon rereading that comment, particularly this snippet [emphasis added]:

Due to posts on my Facebook page, he knows where I work. Someone has called and spoke to my main superior and lodged a false complaint. It wasn't known until after I was called in to a meeting and almost given a written warning, that it was fake. When the alleged incident took place I was in another city and couldn't have attended the accuser's business location causing issues over not purchasing products from us.

As I read this, the complaint would seem to be suggesting that the anonymous commenter ("AC") visited someone else's business and caused a commotion, apparently complaining that that company was not purchasing product from AC's employer. Is that how you read it? Because here's the problem.

Even if the bogus complaint was made anonymously, it seems that the only people who would be in the position to make such a complaint would be the owners or managers of that business; this strongly suggests that, even if the person who filed the complaint with AC's employer did not leave a name, they would have claimed to at least work for that company. Are you with me so far? And here's why that's important.

Because misrepresenting your identity for the purpose of harassment is a criminal offense in Canada called "identity fraud" (not to be confused with "identity theft"), as described here:

Note well that identify fraud does not require any attempt to steal or procure anything of value; rather, one of its characteristics (as I have highlighted) is to personate another entity simply for the purpose or harassment. So If Patrick (or someone else) called AC's employer and falsely (mis)represented themselves as a representative of that other company for the purpose of getting AC in trouble, that is absolutely textbook identity fraud according to the Criminal Code of Canada, which suggests it might be worthwhile to chase this down to see if someone committed an actual crime.

Again, this is all speculation but if Patrick Ross did indeed call AC's employer and misrepresent his identity in order to cause inconvenience to AC, that is pretty much a slam-dunk case of identity fraud, for which, uh oh ...

If I was AC, I would be calling a lawyer. And absolutely filing a police report. But that's just me.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: A life swirling down the drain.

As a recent commenter looking for advice left another comment on this blog, assuming it was meant to be posted, I am going to give it some coverage here so one and all are aware what they are getting into when engaging with Lloydminster's Patrick Ross (minor editing):

I called FluidPro Oilfield Services in Calgary and they say that Patrick Ross doesn't work for them directly, but could work on their jobsites through a 3rd party contract vendor.

I posted what I said in your post to a Lloydminster forum and a woman messaged me and said she believes Patrick lives between Edmonton and hotels he gets issued near job sites he works. She knew the family and Patrick has been more than troublesome his entire life. Most jobs he was hired at in Lloydminster ended because he would harass people to the point working with him became untenable. He was released from a theatre he worked at doing small plays because he became obsessed with a female director which ended with the police getting involved.

She told me Patrick has had trouble with the police his entire life for harassing people including when he went to school at the University of Alberta. I explained everything I've gone through with Patrick online; she conveyed her sympathies but told me he's done far worse to others and to expect more as I ignore him.

I must ask again how he's never been criminally charged to this point in his life. He has a long and sordid history of harassment and online stalking, and people have wanted to press charges. Do you know if he has a documented mental illness or disability that makes pursuing criminal charges against him unviable?

Due to everything Patrick has done, I've closed my accounts on X and Facebook. It became useless to try and figure out if he was impersonating one of my friends on those networks. It was also apparent he's getting accounts that have followers and history on those networks to use to harass me. I've been told people can purchase these accounts for as little as $4 online.

Patrick has a very unhealthy obsession with people that out his nonsense opinions on X. When he's publicly challenged and loses, he turns into the worst temper tantrum toddler in the history of mankind. Before reading your blog, I assumed he was a teenager who liked trolling people, but I learned he's over 40 years old. The worst mistake I've made in my lifetime was engaging with him online. Had I known this is what that interaction would lead to, I would have simply left him to speak his horrible takes to the 30 or so people that view his trash.

If you can offer any assistance with ridding this man from my life, please convey it. Due to posts on my Facebook page, he knows where I work. Someone has called and spoke to my main superior and lodged a false complaint. It wasn't known until after I was called in to a meeting and almost given a written warning, that it was fake. When the alleged incident took place I was in another city and couldn't have attended the accuser's business location causing issues over not purchasing products from us.

Patrick is invading my life. Most times I can't prove it's him because contact has become indirect through other parties. I'm stumped how to untangle this mess. Would an apology to him help at all? I still have an avenue to stop the deletion of my X account and could post an apology if that would appease him. I have 9 days remaining to unlock my account.

I'm not sure what advice to give, other than to suggest that calling one's employer and lodging a fake complaint absolutely falls under the definition of defamation, so I would file a police report ASAP and, if you're feeling ambitious, get legal advice. I can give you all of the contact information I have for Patrick; drop me a note at

P.S. I'd like the contact info for the woman you were talking to; invite her to drop me an email if she is so inclined.

P.P.S. It would be useful to get the name of that third-party vendor that Patrick works through; if FluidPro refuses to provide it, that's why you should file a police report -- so you have the weight of a police report to compel disclosure. Having a genuine police report in hand will make everything you do far more difficult to ignore.