Monday, May 10, 2010

Spineless Ignatieff capitulation in three ... two .. one ...

Given that it's been two weeks since Speaker Peter Milliken's two week deadline, isn't it just about time for Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff to make a mockery of his recent bluster and braggadocio, drop trou, spread his cheeks and take whatever Stephen Harper feels like dishing out?

I'm pretty sure that's today, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

That prediction was made weeks ago.

Iggy is probably salivating at the delusion that if one day he is PM, he will have those extra powers...

Dr.Dawg said...

It's tomorrow. But you're otherwise right, I think.

liberal supporter said...

I'm hoping you're wrong. Note that they have to lull Harper and Co. into thinking it is ok to enter the House while in session, and have the vote, otherwise he'll just prorogue again.

ChrisInKW said...

Either prorogue or suddenly decide that Parliament is "dysfunctional" and Canadians suddenly want an election. Hey, it worked in 2008.