Monday, September 24, 2007

Oh, man, you talkin' crazy!

Having already caused normal folks' eyeballs to roll back in their heads in disbelief when he claimed that the Holocaust was a "myth," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continued to embarrass his species when he proclaimed adamantly that there were no gays in Iran.

In response, Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Sam Brownback and Tom Tancredo vowed to introduce a Congressional resolution censuring Ahmadinejad for his appalling and breathtaking ignorance, just as soon as they finished telling everyone that they don't believe in biological evolution.

Some days, the straight lines really just write themselves, don't they?


Weasel said...

Wow. Seriously. Wow.

Sheena said...

Hmmm.... somehow I think there is a way to reconcile these diverging viewpoints if we start with the premise that God is gay and therefore needed a little presto chango abracadabra to get some peeps down here on earth.

Anonymous said...

The stupidity of people in positions of power continues to know now bounds. One of the reasons Ahmadnejad can assert this is that his band of fundamentalist wingnuts hangs them when they are caught committing this "crime against nature/islam", whatever fucking excuse is handy. Dumb. Stupid. Prick. At least he's not alone in high places with utter buffoons like Bush, Harper and Howard.

Anonymous said...

I heard that there were no gays in the US army...
oh wait, yes they are but we can't talk about it...

Adam C said...

I guess someone could have told Mahmoud "Yeah, right, and there are no homeless people in North York either" but he probably would have just responded with a blank stare...

Rev.Paperboy said...

Did he happen to mutter under his breath "left alive" when he said there were no gays in Iran?

Ti-Guy said...

Ahmadinejad could just be repeating the traditional (and loony) Muslim position that homosexuality as an orientation does not exist (because sexuality is something expressed only within the confines of marriage between a man and a woman) and that what is condemned (and warrants the death penalty) are homosexual acts.

It's retarded of course, but nothing will stop these people from saying things like this.

Joe said...

This is just too perfect. Watch this.

[Lucifer is showing Mr. Deity around the newly-built Hell]

LUCY: Now the Jews and the homosexuals...

MR. DEITY: I'm sorry...the Jews and the homosexuals?

LUCY: Yes, we have a special...

MR. DEITY: Whoa, wait a second...Jews are my Chosen People, sense!

LUCY: But they were on the list!

MR. DEITY: What list?

Watch it--it's worth it.

M@ said...

Glenn Greenwald points out that the Texas GOP also wants to criminalize homosexuality (see the first update at the end). I wonder where the right's howling indignation about that was.