Monday, September 10, 2007

Careful with that fawning adoration, Damian -- someone could lose an eye.

Why, that kind of slanderous villainy is enough to just get Damian's Underoos in a bunch:

"General Betray Us"

If you can't call someone a "chickenhawk," try calling him a traitor. (But don't you dare question our patriotism...)

Yeaaahhhhh ... you know, I might be putting that defensive hero worship back in its holster for a while, Damian. Trust me on this one.

If you can remove your nose from Gen. Petraeus' butt crack, you might want to have a look at this. And, by all means, take a crack at trying to reconcile the general's numbers with everyone else's.

Go on, give it a try. We'll just sit here quietly and watch.

. The problem with lying is that sometimes you forget your earlier lies. Yeah, that can be embarrassing.

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