Friday, September 07, 2007

And speaking for the non-crazy side of the resolution ...

... it behooves me to add one Larry Moran to the blogroll, so take a minute, go say hello, and check out this piece regarding alleged science writer Denyse O'Leary:

RSS7-F By Design or By Chance? An Introduction to the Intelligent Design Controversy

The intelligent design controversy is best understood as a conflict between materialist and non-materialist views of the origin and nature of the universe. Reputable scientists can be found on both sides. Because the two sides proceed from different assumptions, they do not agree, as Thomas Kuhn would say, on what would constitute a falsification of their premises. The controversy continues to grow because, while the materialism is prevalent in academia and the media, it is widely discredited in the population at large, including the professional classes.

INSTRUCTOR: *Denyse O’Leary is a Toronto-based journalist, author, and blogger, who is the author of Faith@Science, By Design or By Chance? and co-author of The Spiritual Brain with Neuroscientist Mario Beauregard.

Yes, it's only a continuing education course but, really, doesn't the U of T have any standards?


Ti-Guy said...

It says it all that it's a continuing ed. course, and one that I doubt counts for anything that a legitimate profession would take seriously.

Still,I don't know what some academics are thinking these days. She's not the person to be addressing this, as she seems to have a fairly loose association with reality.

The Seer said...

We're kicking ass.

E in MD said...

Yes and a segment of the population also believes that the world is flat, that George W. Bush is doing a good job, that Iraq had WMD's before we entered the war and that we should start invading other countries because we can.

Just because a bunch of assholes believe something doesn't make it so.