Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"... and if she buys kippers, it will not rain."

Over at Celestial Junk, Paul gives us a primer on right-wing logic, as it were:

Karzai to Canadians

Don't leave:

"He said that unequivocally it would mean that Afghanistan would fall back into anarchy -- that it would bring back the safe havens to terrorists and terrorists would be able to strike once again into the United States and Canada."

Quite right since, as we can easily see, as long as we are in Afghanistan driving the terrorists elsewhere, they cannot possibly attack Canada. But the instant we relax our vigilance and allow them to set up safe haven thousands of miles away, we are in mortal danger here at home.

In other news, I only hit you because I love you. Or something like that.


Ed said...

The "fight them there lest we must fight them here" meme is easily the stupidest od all right-wing talking points.

Anyone that invokes it immediately loses any shred of credibility.

E in MD said...

When i hear that nonsense I think about the half trillion we've wasted so far on the war that could have been used to secure every seaport, airport, train station, and bus terminal along with every power plant, museum, school and other important infrastructure building in the US.

And then I think about the fact that I'm still paying for healthcare because some rich assholes have brainwashed the right wing masses into thinking that somehow they won't benefit by taking profit out of the equation.

Then I think about how Bush is still in office despite being an admitted felon. ( he and his AG both admitted to violating FISA. That is a felony )

and then I get even angrier. That's when i realize that fighting the terrorists now is meaningless. Because they won on September 11 2001.

CC said...

ed writes:

"The "fight them there lest we must fight them here" meme is easily the stupidest of all right-wing talking points."

And trivially so, I might add. Because if I was a terrorist, I'd think that waiting until my enemy's military was bogged down halfway around the world would be exactly the right time to attack them at home.

But that's just me, the opportunistic asshole that I am.