I try. I swear, I really do try to ignore the drivel over at America's Dumbest Wanker but this post is just too precious to step around:
If you have to constantly remind people that you are a member of the "reality-based community," you ain't.
I'm assuming that Jinx thinks this is some hysterically clever, snarky putdown of numerous left-wing bloggers who advertise themselves as part of that community, your humble scribe included.
Sadly, Jinx seems unaware that the phrase "reality-based community" was not invented by us liberals, oh no. In fact, it originated as an insult by a Bush aide directed toward journalist Ron Suskind, as you can read, for instance, here:
He says, you know, "You, Suskind, you're in what we call the 'reality-based community'" -- that's actually the term he used.
I said, "The WHAT?"
He says, "The 'reality-based community'.". He said, "you all believe" -- now let me see if I can get this right -- "You all believe that answers to solutions will emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality."
I said, "Yeah... YEAH, OF COURSE..."
He says, "Well, let me tell you how we really see it. You see, we're an empire now. And when we act, we kinda create a reality. Events flow from our actions. And because of that, what we do is... essentially... we act, and every time we act we create a whole new set of laws of physics, which you then judiciously study for your solutions, and while you're doing that we'll act again, promulgate a whole other set."
Well, isn't that special? We didn't invent the phrase at all -- it was bestowed upon us by one of Weasel Boy's delusional, neo-con colleagues. Which sort of suggests Weasel Boy's position can be summed up thusly:
WB: You guys are just part of the "reality-based community."
Us: Um ... OK, if you say so.
WB: HA! Anyone who claims they're part of the "reality-based community" isn't.
Us: (Dumbfounded pause.) You're a fucking moron, Jinx. You know that, don't you?
I don't need to make right-wing bloggers look stupid. I just link to their stuff and they do the rest.
(For a more revealing glimpse of the ignorance of George W. McFlightSuit, see Suskind's 2004 article in the New York Times, reproduced here, in which Bush can't tell the difference between Sweden and Switzerland.)
MORE UBER-STUPIDITY FROM WEASEL BOY: I actually had to read this post a couple times before I realized how unspeakably stupid Jinx was being.
Jinx gets all cranked up about the apparent snarky unfairness of an uncomplimentary article about Commander Chimpy entitled, "Bush feels hand of God as poll ratings slump", then goes on to say, "In reading the article, one has to wonder what exactly the "hand of God" phrase means."
Jesus freakin' Christ, Jinx, how dumb can one human being possibly be? Go read the actual article here, which puts front and center the opposition to Bush of one Diego Maradona, who those of you with functioning brain stems might recognize as the closest thing to soccer Godhood that exists in Argentina (and who, not surprisingly, Jinx in his unspeakable ignorance describes as "some idiot football (soccer) star and barking moonbat").
Jinx clearly doesn't have a clue that the phrase "hand of God" refers to Maradona's controversial goal against England during the 1986 World Cup.
You will search in vain through that article for any derogatory reference to Bush related to his relationship with God. Journalist Julian Borger is (unless I am misreading this badly) clearly using the phrase "hand of God" to refer to none other than Maradona, in a witty and historical way that any Britisher would have recognized immediately.
Apparently, there really is no lower limit to stupidity, is there?
AWWWW ... ISN'T THAT CUTE? America's Dumbest Wanker demonstrates how one can get slapped upside the head for posting total shit, and still not apologize for it.
In his update here, Jinx actually admits:
The "hand of God" refers to one of the moonbat soccer star's goals.
Good, good ... apparently Jinx really can have a simple fact pounded into that thick skull of his every so often, even if he accepts if with a display of infantile churlishness by continuing to refer to one of soccer's greatest players as a "moonbat." Ah, well, once an asshole, always an asshole.
Yet, in the very next sentence, Jinx writes:
Now, considering its origin, it seems a strange phrase to use in reference to President Bush, unless, of course, it is meant as a direct reference to his faith in God. The soccer guy barely got any mention in the article.
Holy fucking Christ, how much of a moron do you have to be to have written the above? Once again, slowly and with feeling, the phrase "hand of God" refers to Maradona, and that's it! As I read it, it in no way represents a sideways swipe at Bush and, if you can find something that suggests that, by all means, post it in the comments section.
And as for that following sentence that Maradona "barely got any mention in the article," well, gee, that's pretty easy to verify one way or the other, isn't it?
Maradona leads angry protests in Argentina
Earlier, the tone was struck by the former football star Diego Maradona, who wore a "Stop Bush" T-shirt to an anti-Bush "counter-summit" that drew some 4,000 protesters from around the world and easily eclipsed the official summit in the public's attention. "I'm proud as an Argentine to repudiate the presence of this human trash, George Bush," said Maradona.
Maradona's anti-Bush sentiment was replicated across a country driven to a near standstill by tens of thousands of people angry at the Iraq war and the US president's push for a region-wide free trade deal. Hospital and subway workers went on strike in Buenos Aires...
The 15,000-strong crowd broke out in a roar as Maradona, riding high on his rebirth as Argentina's leading television personality with his own weekly talkshow, embraced Mr Chávez at the microphone and roared: "Argentina has its dignity! Let's throw Bush out of here!".
Yessir, if you hadn't been paying close attention, you might have missed that obscure reference to Maradona completely.
Wanker. America's Dumbest Wanker. Motto: "Never apologize. Never understand."
I keep seeing the phrase 'moonbat' all over the place. At the risk of sounding ignorant, would you mind me asking what it means?
It's a slang term that the right whinge likes to use to refer to anyone who publicly disagrees with them. (anyone who would participate in an anti-Bush rally is automatically a "moonbat" - according to the rabid Bush supporters)
The origins of the term are a topic of some debate.
Ha ha. Jinx writes:
If you have to constantly remind people that you are a member of the "reality-based community," you ain't.
Gee, what if I rephrased that to say:
If you have to constantly remind people that you are a moral, upstanding God-fearing Christian, you ain't.
I think that reads a whole lot better.
Thank you both. :o)
Was there some problem with blogger earlier? I tried several times to check this thread but it wouldn't load.
The entire blogspot.com domain seemed to have gone south for part of the afternoon.
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