Friday, January 12, 2007

You CANNOT make this shit up.

Brace yourself. No, really, I mean it. Ready? OK, here you go:

Iraq is not a Conservative War

Let’s get one thing straight. The invasion of Iraq was not carried out by conservatives. The assumptions underpinning the liberation of Iraq, particularly that Iraqis would take advantage of the fall of Saddam to embrace their own freedom and build democratic institutions, were profoundly liberal and optimistic.

You can read the rest if you want but, trust me, it doesn't get any better.

Notice, if you will, how smoothly Spanky moves the goalposts in the above. First, he makes the mind-boggling claim that "The invasion of Iraq was not carried out by conservatives." How anyone could suggest this with a straight face is beyond me, given that the invasion was proposed, planned and implemented by American neo-conservatives, against the advice of numerous liberals and even against the advice of some of the military commanders involved.

And yet ... and yet ... somehow, Spanky denies this in its entirety. How exactly does he propose to defend this bizarre scenario? Ah ...

The assumptions underpinning the liberation of Iraq, particularly that Iraqis would take advantage of the fall of Saddam to embrace their own freedom and build democratic institutions, were profoundly liberal and optimistic.

Notice how, in the space of a single sentence, Spanky has gone from who actually "carried out" the invasion to whose philosophical and/or ideological underpinnings were ultimately responsible for it.

My, but that's a clever trick. I'll remember that weaselly technique the next time a "liberal" commits some heinous crime but claims that it was their belief in the Bible that drove them to it. At least we'll know who's really responsible. Right, Spanky?


Anonymous said...

But it was conservatives who believed that:

"Iraqis would take advantage of the fall of Saddam to embrace their own freedom and build democratic institutions" ...!

Gutless moron

Anonymous said...

Like Peter denying Jesus when the chips were down... oh no, (all the sudden) not MY party!

Anonymous said...

Gutless moron

I see that, and raise you a "solipsistic and selfish, pampered little dweeb with one big mouth."

Anyway, we need to pool our money and send little Aaron to camp this summer. Poor little thing needs more fresh air and exercise.