Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Some loose ends to tidy up before we move on.

And before they recede into the mists of memory, a couple of issues to deal with. First, there's Canada's Most Annoying Wanker™, Pete Rempel, who, back here, accused me of calling women "whores." I have, as you can read here,
challenged Pete to show me and everyone else where I did that since I certainly recall no such thing.

Amusingly, for someone who had the time yesterday to post numerous comments on this site, Pete has mysteriously vanished. That's all right, Pete. I and my readers have long memories. Well, OK, maybe just the sober ones. So, Pete, how about that link or a serious retraction and apology? Either one will do.

And for the other unfinished bit of business, well, you know where this is going, don't you? For sheer dishonest bullshit, I give you (naturally) Weasel Boy who, having been suckered into linking to a story that even the originator had the good sense to pull, has still not accepted even an iota of responsibility of spreading lies, and has just moved on to the next bit of crap on his blog. So, here's how it's going to work, Jinx.

Until I see a retraction and apology from you (and by "apology," I mean a real one and not what the Idealistic Pragmatist describes so delightfully as a "fauxpology"), your commenting privileges here are revoked.

(Of course, I can't technically revoke his privileges, I'll just delete any comments he leaves here the first chance I get. He can, naturally, get around that by commenting anonymously but that's just one of the crosses one has to bear when dealing with someone who's as much of a lying sack of fundamentalist batshit as Jinx is.)

So there you go. Pete? Jinx? Who wants to step up to the plate first and eat a little crow?

BY THE WAY, given that Pete accused me of calling women "whores," I'm sure you can appreciate the irony here, no?

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