Friday, November 05, 2004

Houston, we have vote counting problems.

Oh, man, this is just fucking priceless. The salient excerpt

"An error with an electronic voting system gave President Bush 3,893 extra votes in suburban Columbus, elections officials said."

But here's the best part -- the explanation as to how this happened:

"The Ohio glitch is among a handful of computer troubles that have emerged since Tuesday's elections...On one of the three machines at that precinct, a malfunction occurred in the recording process, Damschroder said. He could not explain how the malfunction occurred."

Now, I work with computers on a pretty regular basis, and I can assure you that if a voting machine I was working on suddenly and magically gifted someone with 3,893 votes, I would not be allowed to explain that away with something as lame as, "Well, gee, I guess it was just a glitch, beats me."

Rather, I would have my ass hauled onto the carpet to explain, exactly and precisely, where that number came from, and why my software wasn't reliable to 5 decimal places. For someone to shrug their shoulders and not be able to explain this jaw-dropping discrepancy is nothing short of a scandal. And don't let anyone tell you different.

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