Sunday, May 02, 2010

Stephen Harper tells lies.

When even Andrew Coyne recognizes that you're full of it, your argument is in deep excrement.


Sparky said...

Parliament is above the Prime Minister...
Whoda thunk?
Or rather, who doesn't seem to think that... Probably those out there that state adamantly that Canadians vote for PM (I saw a video once where someone stated that...)

CK said...

Doesn't matter Sparky, as I've discovered recently: Facts and truth don't matter to many folks, it's the kool-aid du jour Harpercons and their cheerleaders are serving that matter, apparently.

Canadians still believe they are voting for their PM when they go to the Polls. They mark the x next to the party their favourite leader is running in.

Try to educate them all you want. I've learned its a excercise in futility.