Sunday, November 06, 2005

Life in the right-wing echo chamber.

Dear Michelle:

I see your point. After all, making fun of someone like war veteran and triple amputee Max Cleland would be wrong. So very wrong.

AFTERSNARK: Oh, man. I wish I could write like this. I'm particularly amused by this snippet:

I got about five seconds into [the video of the O'Reilly/Malkin interview], right to the point where it was explained that Malkin had printed the email addresses of people who had been mean to her on the back cover of the book and O'Reilly gloats and says "good for you".

Wow. A right-wing blowhard, taking criticism and making it personal. Imagine that.

. OK, just funny.


Anonymous said...

What's funny about Michelle's complaint is that the reporter obviously just made a mistake and as soon as it was explained to her, she corrected it and apologized, which is exactly what she should have done.

Meanwhile, Michelle and her friends attacked Max Cleland knowing full well he was a triple amputee and they still made fun of him anyway.

Talk about hypocrisy.

Scott in Montreal said...

Great line from that link:

"Malkin is the turd in your soup so you won't notice the fly in it."

Made my day.