Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Here's a link. Go read it.

I'm going to take a kind of a break, cut back on the blogging a bit to give me a chance to catch up on some reading, write some original stuff, that sort of thing. I will, of course, check in regularly to see if either Weasel Boy or Pete Rempel (still waiting, Pete) come clean with a retraction and/or apology for their recent bullshit.

In the meantime, if you're still following the fiasco down south, here's something you should read. Normally, I find David Broder stunningly irrelevant but, apparently, you can still get that blind pig/acorn synergy every so often.

Welcome to reality, Dave. Enjoy it while it lasts.

1 comment:

Cathie from Canada said...

Oh, don't worry -- he won't stay sane for long. Though it is enjoyable to see Bush getting criticized for a change.