Monday, September 09, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the irony.

Here's Patrick Ross -- a man who defamed me maliciously with despicable accusations without a shred of evidence -- who will now lecture us on the importance of evidence:

You can't make this stuff up. You just can't.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still backing the wrong horse.

Um ... publicly defending a fraud, convicted felon, sexual predator and child rapist isn't the "Own the Libs" moment Patrick thinks it is.

By the way, this is exactly the situation where Patrick would accuse someone else of, say, being fine with child rape; it's the sort of bad faith argument that Patrick is known for. So using Patrick's own logic (for which, again, he is notorious), with Patrick sticking up for Donald Trump, one can safely describe Patrick as having no problem with women being sexually assaulted and 12-year-old girls being raped by 45-year-old men.

Patrick has lived by this sort of dishonest rhetoric for decades -- now he can deal with being on the receiving end.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Carry on readerless.

SEPTEMBER 6 UPDATE: I know it's being cruel, but here's the Twitter analytics from my last seven days:

1.1 million impressions in one week. We now return you to Patrick's 25 views.

One of these things is not like the other:

And I see that poor Patrick is still hashtagging his childish petulance with "#cdnpoli" in a desperate attempt to get more readers.

That does not appear to be working.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still as unread as ever.

Poor Patrick ... it must just kill him:

81,000 views versus ... 31 views. I don't think Patrick should count on that job as Saskatchewan Bureau Chief for Rebel News any time soon.

P.S. Remember that Patrick is waxing hysterical over the alleged "doxxing" of Algoma Bob when, years ago, he openly bragged about wanting to doxx me. The hypocrisy knows no bounds, does it?

And that's how Patrick ended up bankrupt and owing me $120,000.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The unintentional hilarity.

There is a spectacular amount of entertainment value in Patrick's retweet of an article dissing the value of "experts";

I say this because, since I sued Patrick for malicious defamation back in 2010 (and won as Patrick was so arrogant as to not even file a defence), Patrick's life has been one long shit show due to his refusal to take expert advice, that being legal advice from an actual lawyer.

From the beginning, Patrick refused to retain a lawyer, who might have been able to give him good advice that would have salvaged his sorry excuse for a life. That advice would almost certainly have included filing a defence, removing all of the defamatory material, publicly apologizing, and accepting an initial settlement offer to just pay my legal fees at the time; all of that would almost certainly have minimized the damage.

Instead, as is his pattern, Patrick decided that he had no need of legal expertise and he would get it all from reading Jordan Peterson books, which is why his life is currently the way it is -- undischarged bankrupt owing me over $120,000, on the run from both the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and the Saskatchewan Sheriffs, afraid to open a new bank account in case I learn of it and seize its contents, and (as rumour has it) about to become homeless when his late father's house goes on the market.

All of this could have been avoided if Patrick had simply availed himself of some expert legal counsel; he chose not to, and this is where we are today.

Yeah, what do those "experts" know, right, Patrick?

Chronicles of Twatrick: The burning hypocrisy.

I knew this was coming; it was only a matter of time:

That's undischarged bankrupt, financial fugitive and soon-to-be-homeless ladies' man Patrick "Maximum Nexus Top Gun MMA Threat Super Cool Stud Muffin" Ross, bloviating hysterically about my alleged attempt to ruin the life of the obnoxious wanker who made such an ass of himself to the Prime Minister of Canada on video.

And this is Patrick from years gone by, publicly assuring everyone how joyful he would be to disclose my then-private identity and how it would warm the cockles of his heart to inflict whatever punishment on me that he could in terms of disclosing anything about me that he uncovered:

 Hypocrite much?