Thursday, October 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still looking for attention.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before massively-indebted undischarged bankrupt and self-described teen stud muffin Patrick Ross, knowing that no one reads his dreck, tried to insert himself into my Twitter timeline to leech off of my popularity. Given that Patrick gets (on a good day) in the low double digits for any one of his childish tweets, it must have been maddening to look over and see the 70,000 views in less than 24 hours for my recent thread on church burnings, and to decide he wanted in on all that readership.

(Until now, Patrick had been smart enough to keep his distance from my Twitter account, but it must have been too much for him to see all that viewership and not want to grab a piece of it for himself like the attention whore that he is.)

To no one's surprise, Patrick was as spectacularly dishonest as he always is, such as when someone pointed out that the alleged list of church arsons contained numerous accounts of simple fires with no mention of arson, to which Patrick leaped in and countered with (and I am not making this up), "Oh, yeah? Well, you can't prove it *wasn't* arson." That would be Patrick, demanding that someone else prove a negative. (I'm guessing that that follows Patrick's internal logic that suggests that if he accuses someone of being a pedophile and he is challenged to provide proof, he would snap back, "Oh, yeah? Can you prove he *isn't* a pedophile?")

I have no intention of letting Patrick try to attract attention by riding on my coattails, so he's been blocked from my Twitter account. I'm sure he will respond maturely by some sort of name-calling or childish denigration. Whatever. But he can go back and play in his own sandbox where he knows almost no one is interested in whatever he has to say.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Casa Ross on the market?

It's now October, and a full 16 months since the passing of Ken "Yes, all of my children are imbeciles" Ross of Lloydminster, SK, so it behooves us to begin pondering that earlier rumour that Casa Ross was being fixed up in preparation for going on the market sometime this month. Keep in mind this was an unsubstantiated rumour left here by an anonymous tipster so there was no actual proof to back it up but, given the passage of time, it would make sense that if that passel of hillbillies was looking to share in the spoils of the sale, they'd be gittin' a mite edgy about spiffing the place up and cashing in.

To that end, I'm looking for anyone with the time and inclination (and who resides in that locale) to maybe take a spin by Casa Ross starting about now, and report here what they see in the way of additional activity or "For Sale" signs or anything of the sort. I won't post the address as it is easily available elsewhere (but if you can't find it, drop me a note at and I'll fill you in).

A simple email will suffice or, if you are so inclined, you can also take a photo or two as long as you do it from public property, something that is perfectly legal despite what hysterical burbling you might hear from one Patrick "Super Duper Nexus MMA Stud Muffin" Ross.

After all, if that property is actually going on the market, I want to be ready to step in and make its sale as legally awkward as possible given my whoppingly sizable collection enforcement order against Patrick. So if you're in the vicinity and just want to cruise by the property, that would be just ducky.

P.S. I'm also interested in what Patrick is up to these days, and where. Rumour has it that he is back at Fluidpro and still swamping in the mosquito-infested wilds of northern Alberta, while his debt to me increases inexorably by several hundred dollars per month.

One also wonders where he hangs his construction vest these days, if he is not living in the Lloyd, and his status as an undischarged bankrupt prevents him from renting his own place. As I have mentioned before, this is a bit of a situation for Patrick as there is no way he can proceed with his asinine lawsuit against me and represent himself without providing a valid address for legal service, and not only would I insist on him providing such an address, I would insist that he provide actual proof of residence.

In any event, if you run across Patrick in your travels, drop me a note and keep me up to date on his continuing misadventures.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still as dumb as ever.

Here's trustee-less, undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Chick Magnet" Ross, once again gleefully celebrating my being sued "twice," clearly not appreciating my earlier warning that it is going to end very badly for him when I finally decide to file to have his stupidity tossed and point out how Patrick spent all that time, not proceeding with his case, but instead blar-har-har'ing on social media about how much fun he was having in refusing to move it along.

I have been assured that the court is going to be vexed with that sort of childish behaviour and immature waste of the court's time.

On top of that, it's not clear how Patrick is even going to move this case forward since, if he tries, I will insist that he needs to provide a proper and legal address for service, and it's not at all clear how that is going to play out given the earlier rumour that the address he currently provides for service, Casa Ross in Lloydminster, is being prepped for sale. If true, there is no conceivable way he can continue to claim that he can be personally served at that address.

Finally, assuming that the other action Patrick is referring to is Ezra Levant's long-lived defamation lawsuit against me, well, given that Patrick has absolutely no idea what's happening there, he might want to be just a wee bit circumspect about yanking his little pud over that one.

In any event, any time Patrick wants to move his lawsuit along, he can provide an actual and valid address for service that represents where he actually lives these days. We can start there.

P.S. Latest calculations show Patrick now owing me over $120,000, an amount increasing by several hundred dollars a month in interest alone. He might want to look into that and decide how he's going to deal with that.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Just rubbing it in.

Sure, it's childish, but it's amusing to let undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross know how, over the span of less than two days, a single tweet of mine gets over 110,000 views, while he is still puttering along with a few dozen readers per sophomoric utterance.

In other news, given that earlier rumour that Casa Ross in Lloydminster is being prepped to go on the market, I'm again looking for anyone in that vicinity to do the occasional drive-by and let me know of any interesting developments. I'm not going to provide the address, it's easily findable in any of the numerous blog posts on the topic (or you can email me at "" and I will provide it).

If the rumour is true, it leaves one wondering just where Patrick is going to hang his bib from now on. It will also require him to -- if he still intends to proceed with his idiotic (and currently dormant) defamation action against me -- provide a valid and legal address for service, as he will certainly not be allowed to keep using the Lloydminster address once it's sold. So that will make life a bit more awkward for Kid Cash Nexus Thunderbolt Quintuple Threat MMA Cosplay Chick Magnet, won't it?

I remember that day so many years ago when Patrick dared me to bring it on:

How exactly did that work out for Patrick? Oh, right ...

Friday, September 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

About to be a very busy day so I'll return this weekend for your monthly update. And, yes, Patrick now owes me several hundred dollars more than he did last month. Between that and his daily diet of $25 greaseburgers, I don't think he'll be buying his own place any time soon.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the irony.

Here's Patrick Ross -- a man who defamed me maliciously with despicable accusations without a shred of evidence -- who will now lecture us on the importance of evidence:

You can't make this stuff up. You just can't.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still backing the wrong horse.

Um ... publicly defending a fraud, convicted felon, sexual predator and child rapist isn't the "Own the Libs" moment Patrick thinks it is.

By the way, this is exactly the situation where Patrick would accuse someone else of, say, being fine with child rape; it's the sort of bad faith argument that Patrick is known for. So using Patrick's own logic (for which, again, he is notorious), with Patrick sticking up for Donald Trump, one can safely describe Patrick as having no problem with women being sexually assaulted and 12-year-old girls being raped by 45-year-old men.

Patrick has lived by this sort of dishonest rhetoric for decades -- now he can deal with being on the receiving end.