Friday, January 17, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Nothing really new at the moment.

I'll have more to say in a couple of days at the next interestversary but, in the meantime, if you haven't seen Patrick Ross' moist panty adoration of quack and grifter Dr. Jordan Peterson, well, have at it. There is something amusing in watching a 40-something loser wax poetic about Jungian psychology and archetypes when he couldn't even get a simple sociology degree after seven years, and his life can be reasonably described as a dumpster fire of a train wreck of a plane crash.

In any event, check back in a couple of days.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Jordan Peterson fanboyishness activate!

As a short followup to the last post (wherein I refer the long-suffering reader to a tedious 18-minute bromance of Patrick Ross directed at deranged quack Dr. Jordan Peterson), there is another savage beatdown of Peterson, which I refer to here.

I would normally say that it is beyond comprehension that any sentient life form could take Peterson seriously, but this is Patrick Ross we're talking about.

P.S. In the midst of a gaggle of tendentious and meaningless Jordan Peterson quotes, it seems that our Patrick might pay close attention to quote 52:

“To suffer terribly and to know yourself as the cause: that is Hell.”

I guess even the good doctor gets it right once in a while.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Chronicles of Twatrick: Wonder incel powers activate!

I can only imagine that this latest pathetically sad podcast from undischarged bankrupt and Dr. Jordan Peterson fan boi Patrick "Stud Muffin Chick Magnet" Ross is aimed at me, given that I have on occasion pointed out how the good doctor is an ignorant quack of the highest order. As of this typing, I made it all of 1:13 into Patrick's podcast before I had to stop -- perhaps I'll watch the rest of it later after drinking heavily.

I could go on at length about how Peterson is a purveyor of pseudo-scientific horseshit of the highest order, but I will say simply that, for someone who is convinced that Jordan Peterson is the answer to living a full and happy life, Patrick's life is a train wreck of a leaking septic tank of a dumpster fire, which might make him ponder whether Peterson's life advice is really doing him any good. All evidence to the contrary.

P.S. There are numerous brutal eviscerations of Dr. Peterson online; here is just one of them. I could supply a dozen more just as savage and on-point.

OH, DEAR GOD ... I sucked it up and am viewing the rest of Patrick's unwatchable podcast and he makes an utter fool of himself starting at the 12:50 mark by insisting that Dr. Benzo Boy must be taken seriously because "he has taught at Harvard!" This is particularly ironic since Patrick himself makes it clear that a rhetorical appeal to authority is a logical no-no:

And yet, there's Patrick, falling face-first into his own discredited argument. It is not a mystery why Patrick, even after seven years, failed to get a degree from the U of Alberta.

BONUS TRACK: While trying to go all intellectual, Patrick informs us that he is currently slogging his way through Peterson's latest pompously-titled train wreck of a tome, "We Who Wrestle With God." Mercifully, The Guardian saves us the trouble of caring what it says. But this revelation by Patrick gives us the opportunity to check if Peterson's advice imparts any practical value since, once Patrick finishes it, we can check in on whether Patrick begins to behave any more like an actual grown-up and take responsibility for the shitfest that is his life, or whether he continues to act like a petulant, vindictive 12-year-old.

So let's give Patrick some time to finish the book, at which point we might have some confirmation as to whether Dr. Peterson's life advice is worth the paper it's Crayola'ed on.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: A life truly wasted.

It being the holiday season, I think it's time to look back at the life of self-described badass Patrick "Helllloooo, ladies!" Ross, trustee-less undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive from various people and government agencies who would dearly like to have a chat with him, to see how Patrick got where he is today, so make yourself comfortable as this may take a while and there will be much free associating along the way.

First, it's worth recalling that Patrick was born in June of 1981, and I got my $85,000 default judgment (plus interest) against him for malicious defamation in late 2010, when Patrick was 29 and should probably have known better than to publicly accuse someone of pedophilia and raping two-year-olds because he thought it was knee-slappingly funny and just a hoot, entertainment-wise. And given that it is now the end of 2024, we can draw one crushingly depressing conclusion -- Patrick has spent the majority of his adult life owing me close to (if not more than) $100,000.

Let me repeat that so it sinks in -- at the age of 43, Patrick has spent more than half of his adult life in crippling debt to me, and there is no indication that he is any closer to getting out of that debt, given that he is making absolutely no payments toward it and the debt is increasing by several hundred dollars per month due to interest.

Again (just because it's so mind boggling), Patrick Ross has spent the majority of his adult life having been found liable for malicious defamation and owing me a truckload of money, and that is not going to change any time soon.

However, what is even more depressing is how easily Patrick could have escaped all this, and therein lies a tale.

After I got my judgment against Patrick, he spent the next two years running away until I finally cornered him, at which time he (being the right-wing, "accountable", "personally responsible" scold that he is) immediately declared personal bankruptcy; sadly, while that was one legal escape, Patrick couldn't even do that properly, in that he immediately failed to honour his legal obligations under bankruptcy, to the point where his trustee withdrew from his case in total disgust.

Even so, Patrick managed to make it to his hearing, at which time (as regular readers may recall), he was absolutely gifted with a ridiculously favourable ruling that required him to do nothing more than pay $200 per month for the next 14 years -- a grand total of $33,600, which was a fraction of what he owed me and represented pocket change for someone working in the oil patch. But it gets funnier.

You see, while that payment plan would have required Patrick to stay in bankruptcy for that full 14 years before finally getting his absolute discharge, the ruling actually allowed him to -- as long as he made those regular payments and followed the rules -- pay off the entire balance after three years, meaning his punishment for having defamed me would have been no more than three years in bankruptcy and paying me only a third of what he owed me. You'll never guess what happened.

Patrick fucked that up.

With his talent for childish arrogance, Patrick refused to accept this absolute gift from bankruptcy court, and instead refused to play along, to the point where (much snipped here) I finally filed to have Patrick kicked out of bankruptcy protection with respect to my ruling against him, the court agreed, and the full amount of $85,000 (plus interest) was re-instated.

Ponder, then, the level of stupid here:

Patrick Ross, faced with a legal judgment against him of $85,000 and past the deadline for appeal, was granted a spectacularly favourable ruling from bankruptcy court where he could have gotten out of all of this by paying a grand total of $33,600 over three years, then walked away free and clear. He chose to be a petulant child and not play along, which is why we are where we are today -- Patrick owing me over $120,000, and still in bankruptcy with zero chance of getting out unless he pays me the entire amount he owes me. That is the level of dumbfuck stupid we're talking about here.

In any event, it is the Christmas season, and one wonders what Patrick is up to. It is unlikely he is celebrating with family, given the rumours that Patrick's remaining family wants nothing to do with him, given how he caused nothing but grief and heartache for his late parents, making them deal with constant visits from the Sheriffs and process servers, and how all of them undoubtedly had to figure out how to structure the wills to prevent me from swooping in and taking my share.

But I thought it was only fair that, as my gift to Patrick, I would remind him and everyone else how easily and inexpensively he could have gotten out of all of this years ago, except for his infantile arrogance in thinking that he just wasn't going to pay me anything and that would teach me a lesson, which is how Patrick probably can't even remember a time when he wasn't bankrupt and owing me many tens of thousands of dollars.

Finally, while I've been reasonably patient with Patrick and his idiotic defamation lawsuit against me, 2025 is the year that I'm going to drop the hammer on him, and drag his ass into court to resolve that, and when that happens, I will make sure everyone else looking for him will know where and when he can be found. In any event, while Patrick is most likely sitting in a shitty hotel room somewhere for the holidays, I thought it only fitting to remind him and everyone else how his current dumpster fire of a life is nothing but the inevitable result of years worth of truly stupid and childish choices.

BONUS TRACK: Apparently, Patrick is still convinced that a productive use of his time is to create unwatchable videos that no one cares about. I wonder if he has any idea that all of those videos will be submitted as evidence when he tries to convince the court that, gosh darn it, he's just so busy these days that he can't get around to paying off his debt or following court orders.

So, yes, Patrick, keep making those videos -- it's rare that someone openly provides so much evidence against himself.

BY THE WAY, I would be remiss in not reminding Patrick of his mouthing off to me all those many years ago, challenging me to do something about his ongoing and despicable defamation. I give you:

I'm sorry, Patrick ... how did that turn out again? Oh, right ...

Hard to believe that after all these years, Patrick has learned nothing.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It's now 40 months since undischarged and trustee-less bankrupt and collection target Patrick "Super Mullet Nexus Dood" Ross filed his meritless and idiotic defamation action against me, and has done, well, nothing to move it forward. I could have filed to have that dismissed simply for lack of progress on Patrick's part, but there was no hurry and the longer it lingers, the easier it becomes to argue that it needs to be thrown out.

I'll have a longer screed on all of this on the weekend, as I'm deeply immersed in end-of-year technology wrap-up and closing off Jira issues. Stay tuned.

TIME WELL SPENT: Given all of the things Patrick could be doing to improve himself and extricate himself from the life-destroying hole he's dug over the years, his idea of time well spent appears to be to record podcasts wherein, over the course of the last six days, this particular presentation has attracted a grand total of 22 viewers and zero comments.

Patrick might want to rethink his priorities.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Feeling somewhat unfulfilled, it seems.

One of my confidential informants refers me to this recent YouTube offering from undischarged bankrupt, financial fugitive, and 43-year-old incel poster boy Patrick Ross, lamenting as to how religious music just doesn't seem to solve all of the financial and relationship problems he has inflicted on himself over the last 14 years since he defamed me maliciously, got sued by me for it, then failed to even file a defence, was found in default and was hit with an $85,000 judgment which, with accruing interest, means that today Patrick owes me around $120,000 (an amount that is increasing by several hundred dollars per month).

It's possible that God might have had some advice for Patrick but, given his behaviour over those 14 years, he might have been better off taking advice from a good lawyer.

I'm just making a suggestion.

P.S. Note that Patrick reveals in that excruciatingly painful video that he is in Grande Prairie, which reminds me to let everyone know that I am still in the market for any information as to where Patrick is living and/or working these days, and what (if anything) is happening regarding the sale of Casa Ross in Lloydminster.

It seems unlikely that Patrick is living part-time at Casa Ross as that would mean that place is standing empty most of the time, which would be a massively inefficient use of a sellable property, and I'm guessing his siblings would not be thrilled by the idea of not being able to cash in on their possible inheritance if Patrick is squatting there and making it impossible to sell. So I am definitely curious as to what is happening with that property, if anyone in that vicinity has the time to do a drive-by and make some notes.

OH, DEAR GOD ... Apparently, Patrick fancies himself an authority on romance and relationships as, six months ago, he decided to impart his worldly experience here. I could not watch the whole thing, but it is entertaining to note that, in the six months that that screed has been online, it has had a grand total of 27 views.

I remember the days long ago when Patrick was convinced he was going to be a major player on social media. Apparently, social media did not agree.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It is now a full 39 months since a Saskatchewan judge lowered the boom on undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick "Hellllooo, ladies" Ross, telling him what he owed me and cranking up the accruing interest to a whopping five per cent:

It's not clear what Patrick is up to these days, apart from living off the grid and dodging the various parties that would love to have a chat with him.

I'm told that Patrick still brags about how he is "winning" his lawsuit against me -- a curious position given that he has done nothing whatsoever in terms of moving that filing along for over two years now, so you can rest assured I'm not losing any sleep over it and, come the new year, I'll probably move to have it dismissed as abandoned, and ask the court to award me costs.

When I file such a motion, I suspect Patrick will not be thrilled about disputing it, as that would require him to actually present himself before the Court, and I would make sure he would be required to attend in person (as he was told by the Court he should have done last time). Seeing as how I am in Ottawa, and he filed this action in Grande Prairie, Alberta, I have the freedom to attend remotely, but I will see to it that the court tells Patrick he needs to drag his pasty ass down to the courthouse in person, where certain other parties might be waiting for him.

Anyway, another month, another several hundred dollars added to what Patrick owes me. It's almost like he's never going to get out from under this. I suspect he regrets not agreeing to various really reasonable settlement offers I've made over the years.

Regrets ... I'm betting he has a few.