Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The spectacular hypocrisy of Sara Landriault.

It's not like I'm trying to beat up on poor Blogging Tory Sara Landriault, who self-destructed so spectacularly in the course of a single blog post. But, oh my, how did all that eye-rolling wingnuttery stay so carefully hidden all this time? Here's Sara, bitching and whining about ... well, you'll just have to read it yourself:

How hard it is for a woman to return to the workforce after being home for 9 years

Women are stepping back from the career track to do the mom-and-family thing - not because they must, but because they can

Margaret Wente speaks the truth about women and work. Unfortunately governments and advocates don’t see it that way.

My story is a bit different from the “so called professional women” in society today. I’m referred to as the uneducated baby machine who relies on her husband to keep her pedicures and manicures coming. Though I’ve never had a pedicure or a manicure in my life, most people find what I do just above the welfare line.

Since I was little I wanted to be a mother, not a doctor or a bus driver just a mother. I worked odd jobs over the years and attempted at a financial career going after a trader position but when it came down to the crunch I could not do both, so I went back to just being a mother.

Now my children are all in school. This is the dilemma, no education, no real experience and no hopes for a pension plan beside Old Age Security & CPP.

All because I wanted to be just a MOTHER.

Thank you,
Sara Landriault
stay at home mom
*President*, National Family Childcare Association

So, if I read this correctly, Sara -- being one of Canada's conservatives who's constantly yapping and yammering about how mothers should stay home with their kids and how day care is some kind of liberal, socialist evil -- is whining that all that mom experience has left her with sweet fuck all in the way of marketable skills to let her go out and hit the work force running.

Do I have that about right? Because if I do, that's one of the howlingly funniest bits of hypocritical bitching and moaning I've read this decade. Someone should hand Sara a dictionary and point out the entry for "accountability." Oh, and the one for "choice."

BONUS TRACK: You'll notice that Sara claims that she received only one reply to that snivelling, tearful email ... from the NDP's Irene Mathyssen, who graciously takes pity on Sara's wretched whining. Writes Mathyssen:

I also firmly believe that women who are fortunate enough to be able to stay home and raise their children should not be left with little hope of work or pension later in life. Government supported programs to retrain women after taking time off paid work to raise children or look after elderly, ill or disabled family members should be made a priority.

So Mathyssen proposes what should be anathema to a diehard conservative -- a taxpayer-funded, government retraining program to bail out people who apparently made a hideously bad choice and now find themselves in dire straits financially and want someone else to save their sorry ass. I look in vain for where Sara tells Mathyssen to fuck off with her socialism. Perhaps that was in another post.


Southern Quebec said...

I am sure that being borderline illiterate has nothing to do with her employment situation...

Personal responsibility babe!

double nickel said... Reformatory Canada it's only natives and other welfare cases that are supposed to take personal responsibility for their actions. Stupid white people are the victims, remember?

deBeauxOs said...

Oh, fer fucksake!

This woman is just too arrogant to accept an entry-level job. If she got herself out of the sweats she shleps around in all day, combed her hair and dressed decently and pounded the pavement, she could certainly find work if she is likable, smart, flexible and industrious.

I'm guessing that she is none of the above.

KEvron said...

"I’m referred to as the uneducated baby machine who relies on her husband to keep her pedicures and manicures coming."

sounds like she doesn't get along too well with her mother-in-law.


JJ said...

Boo hoo hoo.
There are lots of jobs out there for those who aren't afraid to get off their fat asses and work. Sara could get a job at Timmy Ho's in no time flat.

But it doesn't surprise me that someone who thinks the government should finance her personal lifestyle choice wouldn't be all that enthusiastic about the old "nose to the grindstone" routine.

You make your choices, you take your chances. When you choose to park your vehicles for financial independence in someone else's garage for a decade, don't be surprised when you come back and the engines are seized.

Luna said...

Why doesn't she just go (back) to school and get some marketable skills? Seriously, if she doesn't want a crappy min. wage job (and who does?!) why not go to school and learn a trade? Makes no sense.

wv: fightme

Rev.Paperboy said...

"My story is a bit different from the “so called professional men” in society today. I’m referred to as the uneducated baby machine who relies on his wife to keep paying for his green fees and cigars. Though I don't play golf and have never smoked a cigar in my life, most people find what I do just above the welfare line.

Since I was little I wanted to be a father, not a doctor or a bus driver just a father. I worked odd jobs over the years and attempted at a financial career going after a trader position but when it came down to the crunch I could not do both, so I went back to just being a father.

Now my children are all in school. This is the dilemma, no education, no real experience and no hopes for a pension plan beside Old Age Security & CPP.

All because I wanted to be just a FATHER."

Boo fucking hoo Sara -- all of the rest of us have learned to multi-task a little bit so that we can manage to be more than just one thing. I know that you are god's special little snowflake and shouldn't have to do anything you don't to, like hold down a job or answer to a boss, so I think you are right -- just because you don't do anything to generate any income doesn't mean you shouldn't get a special pension! and a unicorn too!

Luna said...

That's a really good point, Rev. A really good point. Did you post it there too? I'd love to hear the reply.