Thursday, November 10, 2005

Rescuing Canada's right (from themselves, I assume).

Today's National Post has a full page excerpt from the upcoming book "Rescuing Canada's Right," of which you can read more here.

For those of you with busy schedules, let me quickly summarize the recipe: stop acting like a bunch of Bible-thumping, Scripture-spouting, intolerant, anti-intellectual, misogynistic, homophobic dingbats.

OK, in all fairness, that was just the first chapter. I'm sure there's more.


Anonymous said...

Really, it's simple - as a voter, give me something to _vote_for_.

When the CPC keeps telling me they "aren't corrupt Liberals", that leaves me with no real information about what they are.

(Set Theory 101: The set of all things "corrupt Liberal" is finite, the remaining set of all things not "corrupt Liberal" is infinite - and contains things that I consider even less desirable than "corrupt Liberal")

CC said...

The frustration for Canada's conservatives is that, in many cases, voters will accept that the Liberals are corrupt, glance over at the CPC, become instantly horrified at what they see and decide that they're more than happy with the lesser of two evils, and that the corruption is a small price to pay.

Anonymous said...

"stop acting like a bunch of Bible-thumping, Scripture-spouting, intolerant, anti-intellectual, misogynistic, homophobic dingbats."

Don't lefties ever tire of the hypocrisy that is preaching tolerance hatefully?