Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The burning hypocrisy.

I knew this was coming; it was only a matter of time:

That's undischarged bankrupt, financial fugitive and soon-to-be-homeless ladies' man Patrick "Maximum Nexus Top Gun MMA Threat Super Cool Stud Muffin" Ross, bloviating hysterically about my alleged attempt to ruin the life of the obnoxious wanker who made such an ass of himself to the Prime Minister of Canada on video.

And this is Patrick from years gone by, publicly assuring everyone how joyful he would be to disclose my then-private identity and how it would warm the cockles of his heart to inflict whatever punishment on me that he could in terms of disclosing anything about me that he uncovered:

 Hypocrite much?

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