Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The unintentional hilarity.

There is a spectacular amount of entertainment value in Patrick's retweet of an article dissing the value of "experts";

I say this because, since I sued Patrick for malicious defamation back in 2010 (and won as Patrick was so arrogant as to not even file a defence), Patrick's life has been one long shit show due to his refusal to take expert advice, that being legal advice from an actual lawyer.

From the beginning, Patrick refused to retain a lawyer, who might have been able to give him good advice that would have salvaged his sorry excuse for a life. That advice would almost certainly have included filing a defence, removing all of the defamatory material, publicly apologizing, and accepting an initial settlement offer to just pay my legal fees at the time; all of that would almost certainly have minimized the damage.

Instead, as is his pattern, Patrick decided that he had no need of legal expertise and he would get it all from reading Jordan Peterson books, which is why his life is currently the way it is -- undischarged bankrupt owing me over $120,000, on the run from both the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and the Saskatchewan Sheriffs, afraid to open a new bank account in case I learn of it and seize its contents, and (as rumour has it) about to become homeless when his late father's house goes on the market.

All of this could have been avoided if Patrick had simply availed himself of some expert legal counsel; he chose not to, and this is where we are today.

Yeah, what do those "experts" know, right, Patrick?


  1. This is all true. However, this doesn't change the fact that Twatsy is guilty as sin of maliciously defaming you. Given the unequivocal, abject depravity of what Twatsy wrote on his about you (no, we won't repeat it), it seems hard to imagine how a lawyer would have gotten him off of a malicious defamation judgment.

  2. ROD: Oh, it's unlikely that Patrick would have got off given not only the overwhelming evidence of the defamation but also the obvious malice (established by providing numerous examples of Patrick openly *bragging* about how he was trying to ruin both my personal and professional reputation).

    However, any decent lawyer would have been able to advise Patrick on how to at least *minimize* the damage; as Patrick decided he did not need any competent legal advice, that is how he finds himself in the cesspool that is his current life -- bankrupt for the foreseeable future, no meaningful relationship, on the run from various parties, and potentially without a home in the near future, and all in his mid-40s.

    Patrick really should rethink making fun of "experts."

  3. The greater irony is how incredibly _WRONG_ everything in PP’s tweet really is. Neither live in worlds where facts matter. It makes him a perfect match with PR.

  4. I notice a basic and obvious wrongheadedness about the Notional Pest article being referred to: It suggests that the "experts" are wrong because . . . they are advancing political agendas--as opposed to Pierre fucking Poilievre, who, what, is an apolitical lamb? If you're going to disqualify people from being right if they have political agendas, then PP, who is little more than a walking political agenda, who clearly will and does spout any blatant lie if it serves his political agenda, has to be the most disqualified of all by a country mile.

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Here is triple chin once again forgetting the crap he pulled less than 60 days ago.


    He was retweeting the LibTikTok crap getting people doxed and fired from their jobs over Trump's fake assassination attempt.

    When he does it, it's justified. When others do it, it's lunacy. I'm convinced Patrick has a metal plate in his head from being dropped as a baby and whenever he walks by a microwave he shits himself and forgets who he is for 30 days.

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM

    In case Patrick walked by a microwave today I made a template of when he was happy about doxing people and when he wasn't.

    This looks to corroborate my metal plate theory of 30 days between events.


  7. Apparently, it hasn't occurred to Patrick (or Russ) that Poilievre might have his own political agenda.

    And if Patrick is so down on experts, one wonders if he's just selective about the experts he pays attention to. Or perhaps he does his own dentistry when he has a tooth ache?
