Saturday, August 31, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: The readership (or lack thereof).

Over the years, one of the common insults emanating from the gaseous blowhole of undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross has been to mock his critics for their lack of followers and readers. "I have over 2,000 followers, and you have only 350, so by definition, I'm better and smarter." Such is the logic of Patrick Ross -- that quality is defined exclusively by readership or followership.

So it must just grind his gears that my readership exceeds his by, oh, a couple orders of magnitude. Here's Patrick, with a tweet from days ago with a whole 36 views:

By comparison, here's one of my tweets, from the unearthly hour of before 5 a.m. on a long weekend Saturday and less than four hours ago, already heading for 2,000 views:

Poor Patrick ... all these years of trying to be an online somebody, only to discover that absolutely no one is interested in his childish rantings. That's what happens when you make some really poor life choices.

P.S. Views is now over 3,500 in less than 5 hours, and you can keep up with the popularity here. I assume Patrick will find some way to mock this without admitting to the utter humiliation.

UPPITY DATE: Over 41,000 views in well under 12 hours -- a readership poor Patrick with his 36 viewers can only dream of:

Yeah, I'm being cruel.

MORE UPPITY DATE: This took, literally, less than 24 hours:

I look forward to Patrick mocking this and explaining how it proves I'm a loser. Or maybe how he's "winning" his lawsuit against me. Or something equally childish.


  1. In all fairness, thwap, if you had only 36 viewers, would you invest a lot of time in proofreading?

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    What is the difference between followers of the account and views of a post?
