Sunday, August 25, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the intellectualism.

It is hard to believe that Patrick is 43 years old.

It is extremely easy to believe that he is an undischarged bankrupt with no chance of a meaningful relationship ever.


  1. "Third string drama teacher"--there are strings of drama teachers? I'm imagining poor Justin sitting on the bench during the improv, until the day when the first string drama teachers are sick, and one of the second string suffers a dangerous comedy injury, and the coach is saying "OK, Trudeau, it's up to you! Get in there and make that audience split their sides, for the team!"

    . . . How exactly would the likes of Patrick have any idea whether Trudeau's drama teaching was poor or superb?

  2. PLG: Let us also remember that, unlike Patrick who spent seven years at university without ever graduating, Trudeau has a Bachelor of Arts degree in literature from McGill, as well as a Bachelor of Education degree from UBC.

    Patrick, on the other hand, was home-schooled.
