Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Oh, my.

First, let the surveillance begin. I have recently arranged for a confidential informant to start doing regular drive-bys of Casa Ross in Lloydminster (possibly even daily) for the next several weeks, and keep me apprised of any unusual developments. Said CI has been instructed that photos are not strictly necessary unless it's particularly informative; other than that, verbal reports will do just fine. But here's the kicker.

Just left as an anonymous comment on an earlier post:

"Patrick's back living at his dad's house when he's not working. The truck with the transformers logo is his. He's keeping up the place until they sell it. House is getting prepped for sale by October 15."

This jibes with what my CI has already told me, in that there is a storage trailer parked in the driveway, most likely in aid of cleaning out the place in preparation for sale. It remains to be seen what sort of activity occurs over the next several weeks, but I am assured that I will be informed of it in detail.

How Patrick factors into the sale is unknown, but I have everything in place to start collection proceedings in case Patrick gets a cut of the proceeds. In the meantime, Patrick is invited to continue bragging about how I am *losing* a lawsuit to him. Whatever helps him sleep at night (wherever that is once he's homeless).

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your impending home ownership, in the Lloydminster real estate market!
