Saturday, August 10, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: My own personal stalker.

It is minimally amusing to have one's own personal online stalker, as perpetual bankrupt and financial dumpster fire Patrick "Kid Cash Thunderbolt etc etc etc" Ross continues to haunt my Twitter feed and publish devastatingly puerile retorts to whatever I write. Oh, look ... having once accused me of being a pedophile (with life-altering results for him), Patrick now suggests I am a virgin (note obligatory #cdnpoli hashtag to try to attract clicks):

Ironically, one of the two defamation lawsuits Patrick accuses me of currently "losing" is one filed by him -- that would be the one he filed almost two years ago and now refuses to move along since he knows how that would end, but I did promise some revelations about that this weekend and I am a man of my word.

One of the meritless pieces of paper Patrick filed related to that action was a December 1, 2022 Affidavit, in which Patrick ... well, I'm not going to reproduce the whole thing (maybe some other time), but I am going to post the final page of his submission (not including the howlingly funny and idiotic exhibits), but before I do that, let me set the stage by pointing out that, when you're trying to accuse someone of malicious defamation and harassment and threats of violence, and you submit an Affidavit, one would think that you would take great care to make your submission focused, and specific, and devastating, and that for the last page, you would save the best and really lower the boom on your intended target, yes?

So understanding all that, here is that last page from Patrick's Dec 1, 2022 Affidavit, wherein he is supposed to be laying out a case against me ... but it doesn't work out that way:

Make sure you grok what is happening in the above -- Patrick, when he should be putting his best foot forward in terms of laying out a case against me, spends almost that entire page complaining about ... someone else.

Seriously, make sure you understand that Patrick devotes almost that entire page whining about the behaviour of someone who is not even a party to the action. That is the embarrassing lack of merit of this action. But the best part is, of course, the final paragraph 57, wherein Patrick awkwardly concedes that I did not do any of that stuff.

This is the basis of Patrick's lawsuit against me -- to accuse an independent third party of misbehaving in all sorts of ways, then to sullenly admit that I did not participate in any of that but, for whatever reason, I should be sanctioned anyway for ... having nothing to do with it. Are you starting to understand why Patrick really doesn't want to drag this before a judge?

P.S. Patrick really needs to dial back the idea of calling other people virgins. I'm just throwing that out there.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Why don't you just block him to prevent all that?

  2. Anon @ 4:36 AM: I could but you're missing the point. As I have explained on a number of occasions, I intend to someday file to dismiss Patrick's stupid lawsuit as abandoned due to lack of progress, and all of these tweets of Patrick will be used as supporting evidence.

    If history is any guide, when I file that motion, Patrick will tearfully whine about how he is so busy, or so depressed, or how he is still coping with the loss of his parents by writing even more soft-core porn and attending more rock concerts and bull-riding events, etc, etc, etc. What I will do is submit, as evidence, all of Patrick's tweets bragging about how he is suing me and how I'm losing to him and so on.

    I can assure you, the Court is not going to be impressed by someone who has refused to move their lawsuit along, preferring instead to simply continue bragging about it online month after month.

    Block Patrick? Hell, no, let him keep burying himself. All he's doing is giving more evidence.

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I realize there are nuances in your legal strategy of which we are unaware. However, every time I read Patrick's boasting about his legal prowess and impending victory, I have to fight the urge to challenge him on the one indisputable metric by which success/failure are measured in this arena. And that would be the following two questions:
    - How much money have the courts so far awarded to Mr. Day?
    - How much money have the courts so far awarded to Patrick?

    Surely that would shut him up??

  4. Anon @ 3:28 PM: I can answer your questions with some brevity: In all the years I have been dealing with Patrick, I have won every courtroom encounter, and been awarded costs in most of them. Patrick has never won a single legal battle in all of those almost 15 years.

    However, there is one exception which is the basis of Patrick's constant bragging, but it's only because he misrepresents what happened.

    A while back, I filed a motion to dismiss his idiotic lawsuit against me. As I tried to do this myself, I screwed up and did not file the proper paperwork; at the hearing, the judge quite reasonably pointed this out and correctly dismissed my motion on those grounds, although he clearly told me (and Patrick was present for that call so he heard this) that I had a "pretty strong case." In other words, the judge made it clear that if it had not been for my screwup in filing, I might very well have won.

    Note that this "victory" that Patrick keeps crowing about does not represent an actual legal victory as my filing was never considered by the court; I messed up and the filing was dismissed based on that, and there was no award of costs.

    This is the victory that Patrick continues to use as proof that I am "losing" in his lawsuit against me. Patrick has never, ever, ever won a properly-contested legal action involving me. Ever. And he knows it. So he's welcome to continue bragging about this, and I will continue to screenshot all of his bragging for evidence when I decide to do this again properly.

  5. It's amazing that Twatsy continues to defame you after all these years. You'd think he would have learned his $120,000+ lesson by now...

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Well he has learned something. He is not longer accusing CC of being a criminal. Calling someone a pedo is actionable, calling someone a virgin is not

    2. Right, and telling the world repeatedly that someone is losing lawsuits - when they certainly are not - seems pretty actionable.

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Chirp chirp chirp.

    Patrick's back living at his dad's house when he's not working. The truck with the transformers logo is his. He's keeping up the place until they sell it. House is getting prepped for sale by October 15.

    He should shut his mouth when he's in town gorging on crap at the brewhouse.

    /birdie flies away.
