Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Peace (River) out, dude.

As described previously, regular surveillance of Casa Twatsy in Lloydminster is underway; the latest report from yesterday is of no untoward activity, which is not surprising as another confidential informant tells me that Patrick has been posting pics from the Peace River area, suggesting that Patrick is still employed in Alberta somewhere, and commuting home for weekends where he might very well be working on cleaning out the family residence in preparation for unloading it.

My local spy is watching carefully, particularly for any "FOR SALE" sign wherein I might be in the frame of mind to have a chat with the realtor and explain the situation. It's unlikely that I could interfere with the sale of the house itself (if the proceeds go to the estate), but I will certainly step in to block the transfer of whatever share Patrick is slated to receive.

In any event, my covert surveillance program is working nicely, and I will keep you posted.

P.S. Yet another CI reports that Patrick is yet again talking smack about me on social media but, frankly, I have no interest in viewing any more of his childish bloviatings. I will simply let the interest keep piling up.


  1. Anonymous4:28 AM

    But once the house is sold, where is Patrick going to live? If he's paying for a room or hotel room in Grande Prairie for when he's working, that's expensive. And if he's still bankrupt, I don't think he can rent an apartment without a co-signer. Does he plan on couch-surfing on a friend's couch? Do any of his family even want anything to do with him? And without a fixed address, can he even keep suing you? It seems like when that house is sold, Patrick is going to be in some trouble.

  2. Anon @ 4:28 AM: All of these are good questions. Once upon a time, Patrick could survive due to the generosity of his deranged and enabling parents but, obviously, that time is now gone. And if his remaining family has tolerated him squatting in the family property, that sounds like it's going to end in a couple months as well.

    I have no idea how this will play out for Patrick. He's still bankrupt with no indication that he's getting out any time soon. He owes me a ton of money -- an amount that is increasing by several hundreds of dollars a month. Technically, as a bankrupt, he can't rent an apartment or get a credit card, it's a mystery how he's going to manage if/when the Lloydminster house is sold.

    I've also heard that his siblings are unlikely to help him out as they are absolutely out of patience with him given what he's put them through for over a decade. And it's hard to believe he has any close friends who are willing to step up for him.

    And to top it all off, he knows that I am out here, waiting for him to screw up so I can seize his assets. So he can keep bragging all he wants about how he's "winning" ... we'll see what happens in a couple of months.

  3. Especially in Northern Alberta, there's always opportunities to rent a room or a basement out cash-under-the-table. Like any number of other things - it's not hard to live "off the radar" as long as he never does anything that requires background checks etc.

    *Hell - there's also enough slightly sketchy lenders out there that buying a car isn't terribly hard even with a horrible credit rating.

  4. Is it possible for you to view the wills of Carol Ross and Ken Ross of Lloydminster, as well as possible changes to those wills over the last decade? It's possible that Twatsy got written out of inheriting the Lloydminster house, and was compensated via other means. For example, Ken could have liquidated his car collection just before his death, then passed the cash over to the Twatster. It would not be surprising if those hillbillies cooked up a scheme to try to remunerate Twatsy while protecting the house from CC.

    Along those lines, a thorough perusal of the financial records of one Patrick "Twatsy" Ross seems more than justified.

  5. ROD: It's possible that the rest of that family of hillbillies are working with Patrick to protect his share of the inheritance, but if that's that case, one wonders if they've really thought through the possibility of being charged with, oh, I don't know, conspiracy to defraud a legal creditor.

    It is entirely possible that I will have to sue the executor of the estate for access to the will, and to prevent any proceeds from being transferred to Patrick.

    I am *so* not done with that gang of mouth-breathing bumpkins. They might want to find a good lawyer, and I don't mean Patrick.

    1. Whoa. You are not fucking around. As has been the case for over a decade, the smartest thing Twatsy could do is scratch you a cheque to end this ordeal, then never speak of you again on social media. Of course, Twatsy never chooses the smart options in life.

  6. ROD: I have, over the years, made a number of *very* reasonable settlement offers, and Patrick has blar-har-haringly dismissed all of them, insisting that he owes me nothing and that he will win his ridiculous defamation action against me.

    So far, it hasn't worked out that way.
