Thursday, August 22, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Reward offer to Ross siblings for information.

I've been thinking about this for a while so, what the heck, it can't do any harm. I am offering the reward of $500 to the first of Patrick Ross' siblings who can supply me with a certified copy of the late Ken Ross' will, which will allow me to plan how I can legally seize any portion of the estate that was left to Patrick. There are actually two independent ways to collect that reward.

  1. First, a properly notarized copy of the will showing that Patrick is receiving significant assets from the estate of the late Ken Ross.
  2. In the alternative, if the will shows Patrick receiving nothing, then additional proof of some earlier version of the will showing he was a beneficiary but has since been removed.

In addition, the first sibling to get me that information not only collects the reward, but also gets an assurance that I will do what I can to not screw up their inheritance.

If any of the Ross siblings is interested in discussing this, they can reach me at; I am open to negotiation depending on what information they can provide. Short of working out some sort of compromise, I will be doing everything I can to interfere with the distribution of that estate until I can collect what I am owed by Patrick Ross.

The clock is now ticking, and only the first respondent is eligible for the reward.

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