Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still talking smack.

Apparently, massively-indebted undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive from the Saskatchewan Sheriffs, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy and God knows who else Patrick Ross is still blar-har-har'ing over at his predictably unread Twitter account about ... oh, what does it matter? Patrick is welcome to insult one and all about how he is so much smarter than everyone else but it's a safe bet that he cannot run forever and that someday there will be, for Patrick, a very painful reckoning.

FYI, I have already contacted four private investigation agencies that service the Lloydminster area and I am collecting quotes for surveillance of Casa Ross. I have heard that Patrick is on the road at the moment, so anyone I hire should have no fear of Patrick trundling out of the front door and screaming obscenities and threatening anyone who is simply doing their job.

I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, keep those cards and letters coming in as to where Patrick shows up and what he's driving.

P.S. While I'm formalizing the agreement with the PI, if anyone just happens to be in that area, any reports or photos related to activity around Casa Ross are appreciated, especially ones that reveal regular activity in terms of someone living there and/or maintaining the place in terms of cutting the grass and so on.

OR MAKE THIS A GROUP EFFORT: Commenter just now suggests an obvious approach to surveillance ... rather than paying a single PI to check on Casa Ross regularly during the week, it would work just as well to have a number of people who have the time to do a drive-by maybe once or twice a week, and combine all those observations.

An "observation" could be as simple as "Drove by Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., no vehicle in driveway but lights on in living room. Lawn looks freshly mowed."

So, sure, if there are people in or around Lloydminster, SK willing to take a few minutes out of their day to do this on an occasional basis, that would be just ducky. If this amuses you, drop me a note at canadiancynic@yahoo.ca and let me know your availability.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Rather than hire a PI, what about trying to get enough people who can each do one or two drive-bys each week, and just combine all those observations? Effectively, you'll get the same coverage.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    My nephew lives in Lloyd, I'm sure I can convince him to do at least one drive-by a week if it just involves slowing down and seeing what's there. I already know the address from earlier.

  3. Running out of that Lloydminster house screaming obscenities was more of a Ken Ross (R.I.P.) thing. Twatsy is more of a hide in the basement and peer out the window sort of guy. Besides, the Twatster is currently a 9 hour drive away in Dawson Creek, so there's definitely nothing he can do about the necessary and inevitable surveillance of that house.
