Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy (actual) interestversary.

Not much to add to my recent post, other than to suggest that undischarged bankrupt Patrick Ross appears to be a wee bit frustrated these days with how little attention his public frothing is attracting. Time was, Patrick would denigrate people quite regularly about how few followers they had compared to him, as if regular audience was a sign of literary quality or something. So it must grate on him that, while he has less than 2,300 followers on Twitter, I have over 12,000, and while his tweets typically get, at most, a few hundred views (if that), I've recently had a thread exceed 125,000 views.

So, nothing really to report, other than that I'm doing just fine in terms of reading audience while I suspect a large chunk of Patrick's readers are simply people keeping tabs on him so they can tell me what he's up to.

Until next month.

AFTERSNARK: It must just burn Patrick's butt that almost no one reads his shash, but I can get over 12,000 views for a single tweet in less than a day.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Looks like PRs legal sounding mumbo jumbo is already well known in AB.

  2. If the Oilers win the Cup tomorrow, you need to serve Twatsy with something devastating the next day, to ensure that reprobate doesn't get to even briefly enjoy a semblance of joy in his life.

  3. Quasi-random question: Does the 5% Saskatchewan interest rate on Twatsy's debt compound daily, weekly, monthly, or annually? Obviously, the more frequent the compounding, the better for you, and the worse for Twatrick. No matter what, you're pretty much at the $120,000 threshold by Canada Day.

  4. ROD: It's continuous -- every day that goes by increases Patrick's debt to me. Example: if we say Patrick owes me $120,000 right now, then a year from now, he will owe me $126,000. But between now and then, his debt will be increasing on average $16 per day (slightly less, of course, starting now and increasing as the year goes by based on compounding). That is effectively one greaseburger with fries every single day.

    Also, do not forget that, quite apart from what Patrick owes *me*, to get out of bankruptcy, he would still have to pay off the outstanding part of his Conditional Discharge Order (CDO) to the OSB, currently in the neighbourhood of $25,000. So to get his life back, Patrick is on the hook for around $150,000.

    Patrick's life can be summarized as a series of bad decisions.

  5. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Are there any avenues open to you while seeking the dismissal of his lawsuit, to force compliance on paying off prior judgements you hold against him?

    ie. Ask the court for an order forcing Patrick to update his residence and financial information with the sheriffs within 30 days? Or penalize Patrick for evading enforcement by hiding his personal information and closing bank accounts to stop collection efforts?

    I went with a friend to court while he sought a reduction in his child support because he was let go after getting injured on a job and his new one pays him 40% less. He couldn't afford to live on the old terms. In the end he no longer pays support because he has his kids week on/off and they now make similar incomes, but there was another guy who was severely behind on child support and the judge remanded the guy in to custody until he was able to update his information with maintenance enforcement because he was living off the grid and it took almost a year to get him before the court. The judge contemplated incarcerating the man at a rate of $10/day until his arrears were paid in full, because his monthly commitment was $300/month. I've heard of judges making people spend days in jail in lieu of paying fines at the same rate.

    Could something like this be used on Patrick to get him to comply? I only ask because it looks like the courts are using enforcement methods to get individuals, out of compliance with court orders, to become compliant. I believe it's universally accepted Patrick will never comply with judgements against his person unless forced to.

    I'm spit balling because this has gone on for over 10 years and I'm sure everyone, including Patrick, is tired of hearing about his lack of responsibility for his actions.

  6. Anon @ 6:40 PM: Variations of all of the above have been discussed with actual legal experts. I won't get into details, but I believe I've already announced one of my strategies when I file to have Patrick's lawsuit dismissed, and that is to insist that, if he wants to proceed, he must first pay his debt to me in its entirety.

    Now, this in no way forces Patrick to pay anything, but if he doesn't, his lawsuit goes bye-bye. I have heard from numerous authorities that the court really, really, REALLY doesn't like people who refuse to obey court orders yet insist on continuing to use the court system.

    So when the time comes, if Patrick continues to disobey court orders to pay me what he owes me, the court will toss his lawsuit until such time as he comes up with the money. And that would apply to any other frivolous and meritless actions he might be contemplating.

    Yes, this has dragged on, but now with Patrick no longer being financially enabled by his deranged and unhinged parents, I'm not sure his current lifestyle is sustainable in the long term. I guess we'll see.

  7. Anonymous2:24 PM

    @CC 6:40pm:

    I remember reading previously that it was your goal of getting the action against you dismissed by making Patrick pay his previous judgments and orders off before proceeding.

    While I understand your wish to simply put this behind you and get your monies from the judgements you've obtained, it would be completely within reason you'd want to also punish him for dragging this out as long as he has, and continues to. It would only stand to reason if Patrick were to be incarcerated for any length of time, it would change his view of personal responsibility. Should a judge remand him into custody for a term of $10/day for his arrears, it would be over the 2 years plus a 1 limit of being placed with in the provincial prison system and he'd have to serve his term in a federal penitentiary such as Grande Cache. How Patrick engages with others, it's only simple mathematics to conclude when he leaves that prison, his mouth would be the second largest opening on his person.

    The simple threat of seeking such a penalty may be enough for Patrick to rethink his obligations to the court, and your judgements. It could start payments flowing at a regular interval. Again, simply spit balling and leaving food for thought.

  8. Anon @ 6:40 PM: My reasoning above was related strictly to having Patrick's lawsuit tossed if he doesn't pay me what he owes me; I have been assured that the Court would almost certainly order Patrick to clear his debt to me before allowing his worthless and frivolous action to proceed.

    In the long run, it's not clear how I can *force* Patrick to pay me since, as we have all seen, he can simply live off the grid, not having a real home and making a menial living as a "swamper" in the wilds of northern Alberta. That's really the only way he can keep this up -- by dodging and weaving year after year. But the instant he tries to re-engage with, say, the legal system, then he's going to be in a world of trouble given the number of people looking for him.

    He is already being punished for his negligence with the five per cent interest on the outstanding amount, so when the reckoning comes (and it will come), there will be quite the bill and, being bankrupt already, Patrick absolutely cannot file for bankruptcy a second time.

    Once upon a time, I offered Patrick the chance to make all this go away by just paying my legal fees at the time of around $10,000. He laughed it off, insulted my lawyer, then proceeded to not even file a defense. $120,000 later, that wasn't the smartest move on his part.
