Monday, June 17, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Whistling past the graveyard.

Predictably, undischarged bankrupt and financial fugitive Patrick Ross is following this blog and, having read my latest production, thinks it's clever to gloat thusly:

Patrick is indeed correct that my initial attempt at dismissing his meritless defamation lawsuit failed, but he also knows full well that that was because I screwed up some of the paperwork and failed to submit a proper Affidavit. He knows this as he was on that Zoom call and heard it. He also heard the judge telling me that, while he had no choice in dismissing my application because of that, I had a "pretty strong case." Again, Patrick knows this since he was on that call and heard it.

So it seems inappropriate for Patrick to be gloating over this when he's quite aware that I failed on a technicality -- an error I do not plan to make again.

P.S. I am moving ahead with my plan to hire a Lloydminster-based private investigator to check on what is happening at Casa Ross, although I am always open to anyone in that area driving by and letting me know what they see.

P.P.S. Patrick also insists that my position is that he absolutely cannot, as an undischarged bankrupt, initiate a lawsuit. If you read the previous post, that is not what I said. What I said was that if Patrick thinks he can, he can make that argument to the Court and see where that goes. But Patrick lying about what others have said is what got him in all this trouble in the first place.


  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Can you file to have Patrick pay for the cost of the private investigator?

  2. Anon @ 5:19 AM: Can I force Patrick to cover the cost of the PI that I hire to do surveillance on him? The answer is ... quite possibly. In the end, you can always ask for stuff like that, and if you make a compelling argument and the judge agrees, then it's done.

    I will absolutely ask for that ... I might get it, I might not. But one is always free to ask.
