Wednesday, August 23, 2023

A number one bestseller, you say?

Over a year ago, I explained how the utterly talentless hacks at Rebel News manage to churn out alleged Number One bestsellers. You'll never guess what just happened. Go on, guess. You'll never guess.

OK ...

Pretend to look shocked.


  1. There was a time when Black could get actual reputable publishers to print his ramblings. Now he's reduced to The Rebel ? There's a top tier, award winning publishing house for you ... /s

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "Independent" publication. Paperback only (i.e., print on demand): no hardcover or digital edition. Only 142 pages, so it's essentially an extended essay. Its ranking has already slipped in all the categories it originally listed in. No customer reviews or ratings.
