Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Canadian and American MAGAts reading from the same playbook.

Note the similarities? The trick is to attach someone's actual name to every crisis that pops up ... just as everything is a consequence of "Trudeau's Canada," now it's the "Biden Border Crisis."

Expect more of this. Much more.


  1. I'd say it's not figuratively reading from the same playbook, it's literally. They're sponsored by the same people, they have the same social media influencers doing the pushing, Conservative campaigns hire American Republican operatives and PR companies. The Canadian alt-right is literally fed the same script as the American alt-right.

    In fact, I would argue that a lot of the Canadian alt-right are literally traitors, pushing for the Americanization of Canada, the subservience of Canada to the United States, and in some cases for literally breaking up Canada so parts of Canada (notably Alberta) can join the US.

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    What happened to your twitter account?

  3. Read the last several posts here.

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Meanwhile, in another part of the forest...

    Ezra has just launched a new Rebel product line called "Rebel News Illustrated Classics". Their first publication is an edition of "1984" (presumably because the text is free, in the public domain?), with illustrations by a comic book artist who once worked for Nelvana ("Star Wars - Ewoks!")
    It comes with a lengthy introduction by that leading literary critic and historian Ezra Levant, who of course frames the book as a prescient objection to everything Ezra hates.
    The book itself is a small format paperback print-on-demand edition, as is customary for Rebel publications. Not sure whether they're using the same crappy paper as for their previous books, and I have no intention of finding out.
    Given that there are several excellent illustrated editions of "1984" already in print, it's not clear why Ezra Levant feels the need to augment the list with a cartoons edition. However, there is a pleasing irony to the notion of Ezra and the Rebel publishing Orwell's chilling evocation of the "Two-Minute Hate", an apt and very accurate description of the Rebel's entire editorial output.

  5. And we're worrying about Chinese interference in our elections? The call is coming from inside the house!
