Saturday, June 24, 2023

As Russia goes, what will happen to all those Russia-funded right-wing propaganda outlets?

Is anyone keeping track of which stark raving mad MAGA/neo-Nazi "media outlets" in the U.S. and Canada are suddenly going to be strapped for cash as Russia implodes like a cardboard deep-sea submersible?

What? Too Soon?


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    In the last great surrogate conflict between Russia and the US, the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the US bought the short term loyalty of Afghan warlords with cash and weapons. It didn't work out so well for the US in the long run, but it did get the Russians booted out of the country.
    The Wagner group are mercenaries, and owe no allegiance to anyone. Pure speculation here, but a billion dollar payoff to Prigozhin and a $20,000 cash turncoat bonus to each of the estimated 50,000 mercs in the Ukraine, quietly paid out by the US government and a few rich American donors, is a much cheaper investment than the billions of dollars now committed by NATO and the US to Ukraine defence.
    Interesting days ahead.

  2. C. Mike Hunt1:09 PM

    It's never too soon.

  3. I had a sinking feeling it was too soon, and when that was confirmed I was crushed.

    /never too soon

  4. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Looking forward to Rebel News fact finding mission in Russia pass the bucket.
