Saturday, May 21, 2022

How stupid is Dr. Jordan B. Peterson?

I'm glad you asked:




  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    People generally have a poor understanding of the criminal justice system, so these hot takes are common. Lich has been charged by Ottawa police with offences under the federal Criminal Code. She will be tried in a provincial court. The prosecutor and judge both work for the province.

    Now, regarding Peterson's drivel, the Crown is arguing that Lich broke her bail conditions and ought to go back to the greybar hotel. The issue here is that Lich signed a contract agreeing that she would not "verbally, in writing, financially, or by any other means, support anything related to the Freedom Convoy." But Lich admitted in court that the award she was so excited to receive was all about her support for the Con-voy. As a libertarian, you'd think Peterson would have no time for a contract breaker. But consistency isn't his strong suit.

  2. I thought Peterson quit Twitter a few days ago.

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    He did for probably five minutes, then realised - much like those individuals who threaten to go to Gab, Parler, Truth Social, etc. - that if they left Twitter, they wouldn't be able to "trigger the libs", since no sane person visits those other places. They would all but disappear to us, not unlike Milo "" Yiannopoulos has. They NEED the attention, and Twitter is one of the few mainstream avenues to get it.

  4. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Viva Frei is so fucking stupid. A failed politician at best who feels the need to bitch about everyone else cause he can't get elected.
