Saturday, May 21, 2022

Commercial interlude: Local hot sauces in Ottawa.

Purely by chance, I wandered across Haico Krijgsman with his own booth in Ottawa's Byward Market earlier today.

Haico who? Thanks for asking.

Here you go.

I met Haico last year pursuant to wandering south to Mountain, Ontario, to the inaugural "Heating up the Capital" hot sauce expo, when Haico was gracious enough to bring back to town the basket of hot sauces I won, but left before I was aware I was the big winner.

It was a total fluke that I ran across him today, so I was morally obligated to buy a selection of his hot sauces (not all of these, I am not suicidal):

I tried to be reasonable but among my purchases was a bottle of "Scorpion's Kiss" and, more imprudently, one of the limited edition "Devil's Brew":


It remains to be seen whether this is a life decision I regret but ... oh, hell. And, yes, there will be a hot sauce expo again this year.

You've been warned.

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