Friday, July 30, 2021

The travails of Twatrick.

One would think undischarged bankrupt and currently unemployed Patrick Ross of Lloydminster would have enough on his plate, what with owing me $112K pursuant to my 2010 judgment against him for malicious defamation plus various cost awards he's refused to pay, not to mention how it appears that he and his family are playing games with farmland ownership specifically to conceal Patrick's inherited assets from me. One would think that that would be enough for Patrick to be dealing with without going out looking for more trouble.

One would be wrong.

All one needs to do is read the following thread to understand how Patrick, currently at the bottom of a very deep hole, has chosen to keep digging.

You can't fix stupid.


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Is interest accumulating on the balance he owes you?
