Friday, July 30, 2021


Alberta: "Even as COVID-19 cases rise, it's time to ditch all this counting and testing and recording and mask-wearing, because we're Alberta and we're all about rootin'-tootin' freedom and liberty and no one can tell us what to do!"

Also Alberta: "All these people dying is clearly Trudeau's fault."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    The Rebel's accelerating departure from this universe into its own alternative reality took a another leap with their latest guest.
    Andrew Chapados is one of those guys without discernible talent or insight (his one real job appears to have been a 4 month gig as a "publicity assistant" with Bell, five years ago) who furnishes the Rebel with "analysis" provide through long, very banal conversations with a string of weird "guests" as uninformed as him, but all slightly unhinged. Those have included a homophobic black rapper and an anti-vaccine MMA dude who appears to have been concussed once or ten time too often.
    Yesterday, to explore the timely and complex topic of Critical Race Theory (the latest Trump/Republican bogeyman), Andrew introduced StyxHexenHammer666 (aka Tarl Warwick), a distinguished scholar whose recent publications include "Categorizing the Occult: Magickal Traditions and their Meaning", "Occult Memetics and Reality Manipulation", "How to Speak with the Dead", and "The Arbatel of Magick: Of the Magic of the Ancients." What establishes StyxHexenHammer666 as a pundit of worth on the topic of CRT is a thirty page pamphlet he just self- published.
    At what point will the Rebel get too weird for even the dimmest of its readers?
