Thursday, July 01, 2021


Canadian conservatives totally fine with decades-long bombing and obliteration of Palestinian homeland (including turning houses of worship into mountains of unrecognizable rubble) currently sobbing inconsolably over church burnings here at home. Because that's, you know, different.


Anonymous said...

Watching Ezrs's noontime show. Not looking well...looks exhausted and dispirited, just a long, rambling recap of the weeks, stories, no focus, keeps losing the thread...

Anonymous said...

OMG, a gem. Ezra pauses in the middle of a rambling thread about nothing in particular, says he wants to show us a clip of John Cleese congratulating convicted wife-beater Avi Yemeni on his "award". He fumbles briefly with his cell phone, and sends the link to his "producer", who runs it.
The "award" was presented to Avi by the Rebel.
The "congratulations" is a bought and paid for Cameo clip (you know, those little "personal" messages you can buy from b-list celebrities earning pocket change between gigs?) Cleese clearly doesn't have a clue who Avi is, who Ezra is, or what the Rebel is, but gamely reads off the script provided Ezra, occasionally interjecting a puzzled "Oh, WELL done."