Sunday, September 28, 2008

What he said.

Yes, I realize that it's time to move on from the Sarah Palin smackfest, but you really have to read this first. And, specifically, I draw your attention to the last paragraph:

In these times, for John McCain to have chosen this person to be his running mate is fundamentally irresponsible. McCain says that he always puts country first. In this important case, it is simply not true.

And that, in a nutshell, is why John McCain deserves to be reviled, for now and all time, as a traitor to his country. Given his age and medical condition, any sane person would have to realize that there was a good chance of him not living out his first term if he were elected, and if he died, his VP would have to step in and take over.

And to have had any number of qualified, experienced possibilities to choose from, for McCain to have bypassed all of them and tapped someone as hysterically airheaded and hideously unprepared as Sarah Palin proves, beyond any doubt, that John McCain holds his countrymen in utter and absolute contempt.

This was not a choice made with the best interests of his country in mind. This was a decision made with only John McCain in mind -- a Hail Mary, jaw-dropping choice whose only value was the possible novelty that might reinvigorate his flagging campaign. In short, it was, from John McCain to his American countrymen, the world's most monumental "Fuck you, this is all about me!" imaginable.

When history gets around to John McCain, it should simply have his picture, and the caption "Traitor." Nothing else would be appropriate.

P.S. There is, not surprisingly, increasing talk about Palin simply stepping down to spend more time, I don't know, getting her other kids knocked up or something. But Palin leaving the ticket should not get McCain off the hook. The fact that he chose Palin in the first place is something he should never, ever, ever be allowed to live down.


  1. If you damn Canadians succeed in getting Sarah Palin thrown off the ticket before the vice-presidential debate, I personally am going to invade Canada and do the job Patrick Ross keeps talking about.

  2. I hear ya, the seer. Stick to your guns and keep the bon mots comin' Sarah!

  3. the seer writes:

    "If you damn Canadians succeed in getting Sarah Palin thrown off the ticket before the vice-presidential debate, I personally am going to invade Canada and do the job Patrick Ross keeps talking about."

    Giving Werner Patels a reach-around? Well, OK, whatever works for you, dude.
