Sunday, September 28, 2008

It’s funny because it’s true.

If only it wasn’t quite so frighteningly accurate.


  1. It's almost like the sick and twisted side of me hope she wins just to see SNL re-enter another golden era.

  2. That was, without doubt, the easiest comedy skit to write evah. I don't think the writers should have even been paid for that.

  3. It's almost like the sick and twisted side of me hope she wins just to see SNL re-enter another golden era.

    I thought that was what was going to happen after the 2004 elections, but General Electric had other ideas, I guess.

  4. After jumping to some of the BT sites you ever-so-kindly lead your readers to; I read that this skit was un-funny. But after watching...Ha, Ha, Ha. I was laughing my ass off; mostly due to the fact I had seen the real interview. It's like she has 500 words in her pocket, throws them in the air; however they come down is what comes out of her (admittedly pretty) head.

  5. Christopher:

    If there is a common thread running through conservatives of all flavours, it is that they are remarkably unfunny people.

    Well, OK, that's not entirely true ... apparently, murdered black people are positively hi-larious. But beyond that ... no.
