Sunday, October 21, 2007

The stupid! It burns!

Can we just give these people their own Jesusland and be rid of them?

P.S. Yeah, that would be this Doug Giles. Any further snark would be superfluous, wouldn't it?


  1. He's kinda hot, actually.

  2. Yeah, totally. I've alway gone kinda gooshy for the inarticulate, self-absorbed stupid type, too.

  3. He's kinda hot, actually.

    I think he's into guys, Sheena. He goes on a lot of "hunting trips," if you know what I mean.

  4. But he's right about the metrosexualization of the North American male.

    It is a total pain in the ass to have to share the last of my Frankinsense and Myrrh facial exfoliant and to find my eyeliner in the toolbox.

  5. Teh Doug looks an awful lot like Pastor Ted.
