Sunday, October 21, 2007

If the irony were any thicker ...

The people over at Kate's place take a moment off from describing you as unhinged, deranged, leftard, terrorist-loving, God-hating, amoral, intolerant moonbats to chide you for your lack of civility.

FREE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE: In responding to the above, the intellectual level over at "The Politic" asserts itself in an ugly way:

R West wrote:

By evolution, do you mean small changes in an animal ie changes to the bill size, or the change from a one cell organism to a man. There is evidence for the former, not the latter. Evolution as an explanation life is a just-so story about what happened in the past and has nothing to do with real science. Darwin said that once the once the fossil record was better known, his theory would be shown to be true, 150 years latter, all we see are species appearing suddenly with no recognisable ancestor. Natural selection means that there needs to be something to select. The information in the genetic code cannot come from nothing, anymore than a computer program can come into a random string of 1’s and 0’s

On the other hand, God exists. You got a problem with that?


  1. Your link to Kate's place doesn't work. Are you banned?

  2. I like the way the everyone over at KKKate's place puts their hands over their ears, shouts "It's a Theory, it's a Theory!" while running around the room in circles.

  3. GAH! *head explodes*

  4. Your KKKates-talanche was a little disappointing, JJ. Not nearly enough withering and acidic disdain as one usually sees from that pack of White Supremacist Rednecks who all went Pigfucker U (which is not in Yeehaw, Alberta, but in Hoo-ee!, which is a little further south).

    I still object to ID being taught as it is a ruse to confuse people about the difference between science and faith. And Denyse O'Leary is a lunatic.

  5. Well exactly, ti-guy. I have no objection to theological studies, but the study of ID is an attempt to put fairy tales on the same footing as science, and that I cannot abide... especially at a research university like U of T. Ack!!!

    I haven't seen the SDA thread and don't want to. They keep emailing me trying to lure me over there... :D What a bunch of kids

  6. JJ got off lightly compared to Kady O'Malley. The green-toothed wingnuts got sidetracked into an evolution/
    creation discussion, with a troll named Andrew prolonging the thread well into undead status. SDA regular "ET" is starting to sound like a stateswoman.
