Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I feel ... a batshit craziness in the force ...

Whoops, never mind ... it's just Richard Evans and more of his hysterical, contrived outrage:


CanadianCynic - NutBar

An individual died today and Canadian Cynic is doing a chair dance as a result. He’s even put up a post to commemorate the passing c/w a title of “Na na na na … hey heeee-eyyyyy …” and a video of Kool and the Gang singing “Celebrate Good Times C’mon…”.

Now one has to wonder just who it was that passed that deserves such celebration. Was it Osama, the man responsible for 3,000 innocent deaths on 9-11? Nope. Castro, who has kept his people oppressed for generations? Nope. Mini-Kim from North Korea? Nope. Almond-jihad out of Iran? Nope. None of those.

It was a preacher.

It was Rev. D. James Kennedy. An individual who promoted peace and clean living and worked hard to promote his faith.

Of course, Richard conveniently omits the part about Kennedy being a virulent homophobe, not to mention a staunch and sleazy anti-evolutionist. But I can understand if Richard couldn't find the space to squeeze that in -- Richard can only handle so many words at one time before things go south for him, intellectually speaking.

And just in case there's any ambiguity here whatsoever, Richard, well, how can I put this best?

Just so there's no confusion.

P.S. I'm fairly sure Richard's not going to like that Kathy Griffin "Suck it, Jesus" post, either. Oh, well ... I'm guessing Richard and I weren't going to be getting intimate anytime soon. Life's just full of disappointments, isn't it?


  1. Must be a friend of KKKate's. Link is 403 forbidden.
    Wah!Richard won't let us play!

  2. Did he post it on no-libs to keep it out of his 'political' ambitions website? You'd think the likely base of possible voters would be favourable to him defending a virulent Protestant proselytizer.

    Has he gone after Mulroney for kicking a dead Trudeau yet? I mean, after all, the man was a PM of our country instead of an American religious extremist.
