Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How stupid is Sheila Copps?

About this stupid. Honestly, if Copps is proud to describe herself as a "progressive," I want to invent a new word.


  1. Copps and Werner,... opposite sides sides of the same wooden nickel. I could hand either one a three dollar bill and get change for a fiver back

  2. I just don't see what's so hard to understand about all this. The law says what it says, and only Parliament can change it. What the hell is so complicated about that? And seriously, does anyone really think that there is going to be massive election fraud committed by women in veils? Seriously?

  3. I'm thinking about wearing a mask and bring ID when I vote next time.

  4. Chet, yes. Totally.

    At least I think that would be the answer.

    I can't believe Copps. Is she pretending not to understand?

  5. Very good, Sparky. You'll need 2 pieces, one of which includes your address. Knock yourself out.

    No, I mean seriously, knock yourself out.

  6. If they make it mandatory that people have to show their faces to vote, I want, I seriously want them to be consistent and just TRY to apply it to mail-in votes and people who vote from overseas. Just try.

  7. two by four anyone?

  8. Parliament speaks by bills plus assent, not by the bitchings & moanings of individual members.

    Seems to me, the bureaucratic victim is taking the position that his hands were tied when the bill was passed and assent was granted, and if a majority in parliament wants to change the law, it can.

    Without looking at the language of the act, we cannot tell whether he's right or wrong. Anyone know what the law actually says?

  9. Seer?

    Google Bill C-31 from 2007. The relevant point is article 21.

    Oh, wait. I linked to it elswwhere. Here's what it says (in part - link to full text below)

    21. Sections 143 to 145 of the Act are replaced by the following:

    'If the poll clerk determines that the elector’s name and address appear on the list of electors or that the elector is allowed to vote under section 146, 147, 148 or 149, then, subject to subsection (3), the elector shall provide to the deputy returning officer and the poll clerk the following proof of his or her identity and residence:

    (a) one piece of identification issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial or local, or an agency of that government, that contains a photograph of the elector and his or her name and address; or

    (b) two pieces of identification authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer each of which establish the elector’s name and at least one of which establishes the elector’s address. '

    '(3) An elector may instead prove his or her identity and residence by taking the prescribed oath if he or she is accompanied by an elector whose name appears on the list of electors for the same polling division and who

    (a) provides to the deputy returning officer and the poll clerk the piece or pieces of identification referred to in paragraph (2)(a) or (b), respectively; and

    (b) vouches for him or her on oath in the prescribed form.

    Bill C-31 (2007)

    But, honestly? It is not difficult to find and why you expect others to point you to it?.... well, I'm not sure why. As I said, info like this is very easy to find. If I can do it...

  10. Pass the tequila....I described her at my place as a "noisy smoothbrain" (CC's place is starting to have very bad effects on me).

  11. She lost me in paragraph 2:
    Politicians live in the real world.
