Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Still as unread as ever.

Poor Patrick ... it must just kill him:

81,000 views versus ... 31 views. I don't think Patrick should count on that job as Saskatchewan Bureau Chief for Rebel News any time soon.

P.S. Remember that Patrick is waxing hysterical over the alleged "doxxing" of Algoma Bob when, years ago, he openly bragged about wanting to doxx me. The hypocrisy knows no bounds, does it?

And that's how Patrick ended up bankrupt and owing me $120,000.


Anonymous said...

What are Patrick's legal options these days? If he got a good lawyer, could he appeal something?

CC said...

Anon @ 2:16 AM: No. It is long past due for any further legal machinations by Patrick; the deadlines for any type of appeal of any of the rulings against him over the years are in the distant past. What he owes me these days is set in stone and increasing by several hundred dollars per month, and that will never change.

He's screwed, mostly because he assumed he was smart enough to represent himself over the years. That turns out to have been a spectacularly stupid thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Do you think you'll ever collect anything significant from Patrick? It's been a lot of years and he still owes you way over $100,000.

thwap said...

With such idiots every accusation is a confession

Anonymous said...

You have lived in his head for a long time, and he thinks you owe enough back rent to cancel the court award.